FIGHT!!- that escalated quickly.

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Midoriya was definitely the student most invested in the note taking part, his mumbles and scribbling being heard throughout the platform.

All the other students quickly rushed their notes near the beginning of the fight so that they could just lay back and watch. Katsuki had scolded them for it but nobody changed anything, they just apologized and pretended that they were writing throughout it.

Currently the hero group had captured the target, who was being harnessed due to the fight they were putting up.

The villain group was chasing behind them, gaslighting the target into thinking that the people holding them was the villain group which caused them to put up even more of a scene.

"Isn't that considered cheating?" Mina piped up, many of her classmates murmuring in agreement to her comment.

"I would assume that it isn't quite necessarily considered cheating because in any other real life situation this has high possibility of happening." Izuku interpreted, Vlad nodding, slightly impressed at his response.

"Ohh... I still dont get it." Denki shamelessly stated, squinting his eyes toward the main screen just to see the target yelling sailor curses to the hero team, as if it would somehow help the Pikachuu figure it out.

"Seriously, how did you pass." Sero asked in both amazement and worry to how stupid his friend was, causing Denki to pout in response.

Bakugou rolled his eyes unamused and slightly glanced back at Izuku taking interest in his mumbling. He slyly scooted back, next to Midoriya and looked over his notes.

He had already used two pages and was just now advancing to his third. Katsuki was taken aback but quickly regained normal state as he was used to his child hood friend being extra.

Bakugou read over a note that caught his eye and interrupted Izuku's rambling, "The target isn't being stubborn, they don't know what team is good or bad. They only trust the villain team because they are verbally interacting with them more."

Izuku jolted in shock to the new presence and quickly turned to face Katsuki but his eyes quickly gleamed in excitement with the new pov provided to him by the blonde.

"I never thought of it like that, I guess since we know who's who I assumed they did too." Midoriya said as he continued rambling on with his newfound information, quickly writing more into his notebook.

Bakugou then expertly skimmed over all the information that Midoriya wrote and frowned when he saw how much vital information he hadn't wrote down.

Yeah sure, usually Izuku would be the one that had more important information than Katsuki in note taking which always pissed him off, but he didn't like seeing him be so... behind either.

Kastuki gave an annoyed huff but nevertheless placed his opened notebook in front of Midoriya, causing the greenettes focus to shift to it before landing back on Katsuki.

"You missed a lot, seriously whats up with you today dumbass?"

Midoriya gave a weak chuckle in embarrassment and replied, "Sorry, I'm just distracted is all." He rapidly read everything Bakugiu had wrote and would eagerly copy down anything he didn't have with a satisfied smile.

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