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Izuku buried his face into the space between Katsuki's neck and his chest, happily resting there and taking in the comforting warmth he gave off.

"I don't get how you enjoy the warmth so much." Katsuki prompted. "My quirk might be heat related but even I get annoyed of it at some point."

Izuku looked up at Katsuki and smiled, "Because it's Kacchan!"

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?" Katsuki quipped.

"Uhm.. if you guys don't mind, we'd like it if you kept the gayness in your beds, not when your literally hanging out with your friends." Denki stated with a weird look, his is face quickly turned into a mad one, having had lost his game just a second later.

"If you don't shut the fuck up I'll make sure the only light you see are the red ones from hell." Katsuki threatened as he gave Denki a death glare, staring at the back of his head but getting his point through.

"Look, we get that you're trying to be nicer, but can it not only be to Midoriya? May we remind you we also sacrificed ourselves?" Iida huffed as he did his arm chops. "Plus, Denki is partially right, we get that you two love each other and all-"

"Hold it right there, you said we what?" Katsuki blankly asked with a dark expression.

"I.. uh.. well you two are dating, right?" Iida questioned, stunned.

"What? Where the fuck did you get that from?" Katsuki spat grabbing the back of Izuku's head to balance it as he lifted himself onto his elbow. "Why the hell would you even think that?"

Izuku moved his head to the side to also face everyone, face getting squished by Katsuki's chest as he was intrigued with the conversation.

The room was silent for a while, everyone exchanging glances before all eyes landed on Mina.

"Oh come on! Okay maybe I did tell everyone you two were dating, but that was only because of how coupely you guys act around each other! Literally just look at you two right now! He's hugging your fucking waist- am I not supposed to assume you're dating?" Mina scoffed as she defended herself.

"Yes Mina, you aren't supposed to fucking assume!" Katsuki exclaimed.

"I don't mean to be that person, but Midobro was basically burying his face in your man boobs a second ago." Sero stated with an innocent look.

"Stop calling them man boobs you imbecile!" Katsuki screeched, "And you all need to mind your fucking business!" 

"Y'know Midoriya hasn't had any say in any of this." Tsu brought up, "Are you guys secretly dating? Midoriya is kinda bad at lying so it would make sense why he's not talking-"

"No for the love of god!" Katsuki loudly protested, "We aren't dating! We aren't even gay!"

Everyone gave Katsuki a questioning look when he mentioned sexuality, I mean come on, sure maybe they'll believe they aren't dating, but Katsuki not being gay is like cereal without milk. 

It just wouldn't make sense.

"Oh shut up!" Bakugou grumbled knowing what the looks they were giving him meant.

"Kacchan, stop moving so much I'm trying to sleep please." Izuku softly asked as he rested his forehead on Katsuki's chest once again.

"Is that not gay?" Uraraka questioned.

Katsuki groaned, "I swear to mother Mary-"


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