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Katsuki stirred to his side in his sleep, Izuku unconsciously moving to readjust their position.

They cradled each other, holding one another so tightly as if they were scared they would disappear.

They had fell asleep out of the exhaustion of the sudden cry-fest. And it would be an understatement to say that this is the best sleep they have had in a while.

Maybe because of the exhaustion that comes after crying your guts out or the relief to have finally talked it over, or even both.

Katsuki gave a hum when he felt Izuku pull him impossibly closer, head tilting up on his shoulder to be able to breathe correctly.

Warm, Izuku subconsciously thought to himself.

They felt at peace for the first time in a while.

Everything felt like a dream. It was almost to good to be true. They were sleeping but for some reason they felt as if they were awake, being bundled in comforting warmth that made them feel at home.

( />_<\)

Izuku was the first to awaken, Katsuki following when he noticed the cold absence of his body warmth.

They groggily made their way to the common room, not giving each other anything other than a 'Good morning' out of both embarrassment from what happened the night before, and the fact that they didn't know what to say after what happened.

Unfortunately for them they woke up later than their classmates so they were greeted with loud howls and screams from everyone.

Izuku was the only one actually replying to the greetings while Katsuki cursed at them all, Izuku having to apologize for him.

"You just woke up and are already sailor cursing." Kirishima exclaimed in a humorous way, Denki and Sero nodding in agreement.

"Leave them alone. Anyways, I made you two pancakes with eggs and bacon. I just finished making it. Its in the kitchen." Jirou stated with a warm smile, Katsuki nodding in acknowledgement.

Iida checked the time on his phone and nearly passed out, "You both woke up at 11:25? What made you guys go to sleep so late?! We do t have school but we need to maintain a health-"

They ignored him and made their way to the kitchen where they found two plates with food. They picked them up and sat down on a table to eat.

"You seem to have taken a liking to Jirou." Izuku observed as he took a bit out of his pancake.

"Hm, so what?" Katsuki asked with no interest.

"Nothing, just.. never-mind." Izuku stuttered before eating his food in silence.

Katsuki liked the fact that Izuku had shut up so that he could eat in peace, it was to early to have to process what people were saying.

But for the sake of being a good friend, he sighed and asked, "It's fine, just tell me I won't get mad."

Izuku hesitated before finally saying, "I feel kinda bad you know? Seeing you befriend them so easily while it took me years to even meet you eye to eye."

Katsuki stayed quiet. What was he supposed to say!? Like I said, it was to early in the morning to think of a good reasonable, non hurtful response.

So he stayed quiet for the first time, not wanting to hurt Izuku any more than he already has.

But knowing Izuku he would think the silence would mean something like 'Cuz I don't fucking like you' so he said, "I don't know but I hope I can make up those years for you."

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