I need you

748 19 2

Katsuki collected himself in his room, hand stroking his nape in order to sooth himself. 30 minutes had passed already and he was currently throwing a tantrum.

He had his back rested against the door as Izuku kept apologizing from the other side.

Just how much does Izuku love embarrassing him?

Sure the rest of their classmates had went out on a shopping spree earlier today, but the way Izuku keeps looking down on Katsuki is infuriating!

Izukus definitely doing it to remind Katsuki of how weak he was during the war. How much he owes Izuku for saving him. Reminding him how Izuku, once again, managed to be the one so far ahead it felt as if he would never be able to meet his eyes again.

It felt as if they didn't know each other anymore.

Who is Izuku? Because it sure as hell isn't a boy that nearly murdered a villain.

Who is Katsuki? Because it isnt a fucking boy that lets his emotions get the best of him, or even show them at that.

What happened to the strong bond they shared for all those years? What happened to the little boys that would laugh at each other for eating so messily that frosting beards formed around their mouths?

Why did it even end in the first place? What made it end?

Because 5 year old Izuku had always dreamt of a day that they would awaken as pro heroes, working side by side in a shared agency.
The agency they had planned since they had decided to become heroes together.

The wonder duo.

But what happened to that plan?

Izuku still had the journal they had used to lay out the badly drawn blueprints along with rules and accustomed items.

That journal was the reason Izuku started to write down all those hero facts and observations in his previous years.

He felt as if a part of Katsuki was still with him whenever he would write down in a journal. It was as if he could hear the giggling younger them shared while doing their plans.

Stupid, yeah he knows. But then the hobby became an obsession. Obsession because he found himself taking more notes on Katsuki than he did All might.

"Kacchan please, open the door! Can we talk about it? What did I do wrong? Please I just want to fix this.." Izukus voice faltered, voice wavering near the end.

He was about to cry. Cry because of Katsuki again. The same way he would cry whenever Katsuki would hurt and beat Izuku. Yet he never left.

Why hasn't he left.

"Go away...!" Katsuki croaked out as the lump in his throat grew strong and painful, the urge to just cry out in order to release the force tempting him.

"Kacchan please...!" Izuku cried out. "I want to fix this! Let me help you..." He sobbed out, Katsuki's heart aching at the sound.

It wouldn't hurt to just let him try, right?

"Fine.." Katsuki mumbled in a strain as to not release the knot in his throat.

A happy sob-sigh of relief was heard as Izuku kept thanking him through broken sobs, Katsuki unlocking his door and opening it just to be secured in warm protective arms. Izuku had closed the door and locked it with blackwhip just in case their classmates showed up.

He sobbed into Katsuki's shoulder, wetting it with clumps of tears that fell so smoothly yet so roughly it almost perfectly resembled a waterfall.

"Kacchan, Kacchan- Kacchan!" Izuku choked out, pushing Katsuki off the already loose cliff causing him to burst out crying with him.

Katsuki sobbed into Izuku. He always knew Izuku was never taunting him or looking down on him. He was just portraying what he thought of himself through Izuku, through the person he cares about most.

And it hurt.

Katsuki let the thick tears run down his face, confused on why it felt so good to cry.

He's only cried 2 times in his life (not counting when he was a baby), and that was when he scraped his knee, and had stood up to some 1st graders at 3 and 4 years old.

He immediately understood though. 

People laugh because their bodies can't store the excitement, and people cry because their bodies can't endure the pain.

And Katsuki has only just realized, that it's normal. He's been trying to avoid something that was a normal human reaction causing build up in his body, creating a dam of water on one side of the stream, but once he released it, it all came out in a big wave.

And that's okay.

His sobs became deeper with meaning, realizing all this time he's been self-sabotaging himself, thinking it was a weak thing to cry or show any basic emotion.

What a fool he was.
What a fool he is.

Izuku's cries quieted once he realized Katsuki was crying. He immediately became concerned and pulled back to see his face, a soft gasp escaping his lips when he saw Katsuki wasn't crying in anger or with anger but was genuinely crying in hurt.

"Kacchan.." Izuku felt his own tears fall down seeing how lost the blonde looked. He would have never thought that Katsuki had all these emotions hurled up in himself. Guilt overwhelmed him for not being there for him, and instead making him look like a bad guy to their therapist.

Katsuki's tear suddenly gushed out at once, his breathing cracking as he buried his face in the crooked of Izukus neck.

"Kacchan.." Izuku tried comforting Katsuki through cries, knowing the blonde was the one crying this time. He stroked his back with a shaky hand, both worried for and surprised Katsuki was letting him.

Izuku's chest stinged when he saw Katsuki's sobs become heavier and heavier. He didn't know what to do to help Katsuki. He's never been able to see Katsuki like this in order to know how to comfort him.

He just went with what he thought of at the top of his head. "Kacchan I love you- please don't leave me again- stay with me. I can't bear to see you like this. Please, stay with me for as long as you need. Stay with me until you can talk about it. Just don't leave me alone and don't hurt yourself trying to figure this out by yourself." He sobbed out through chocked pauses. "Please, I need you."

Katsuki's remaining tears spilled out at once, body tired from all the energy it took to cry that hard and body all too tired to keep his eyes open for even a second more, legs giving out.

The last thing he heard was, "I love you Kacchan..." before he let sleep take over him.



Yeah. 👍

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