Daba daba!!!

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"Hey dude, were you okay back there? You kinda had Aizawa freaking out over you." Kirishima masked his worry with a light joke and a worried grin plastered on his face.

Katsuki lied, "It was fucking nothing. Just forgot take my medication."

Mina chewed down her strawberry, "You know I did some research last night and found out that amnesia can change your behavior or attitude out of nowhere." she stated with genuine concern and care.

Katsuki simply ignored her and yanked some tofu from Izuku's plate. Izuku lets him, wanting to show how sorry he is except the blonde is more focused on the extra free food.

When his friend group sits in silence and realize he wasn't going to answer to that, Denki sputtered, "A-and we can cancel our.. uhm.. plans for now."

"Plans? What plans?" Izuku faked his curiously as he lifted his head from his food with a dragged tone.

"Uh- just o-old plans... you know.."

"Hm." Izuku hummed and continued eating.

"Yeah well I'm not planning on cancelling shit." Kastuki muttered in between a bite.

Denki's face visibly lit up.

Izuku did his best to act neutral.

♡( •ॢ◡-ॢ)✧˖° ♡

Class 1-A had made their own routine for their life outside of school. They'd get to the dorms, do their homework, go to the common room were they'd either order takeout or share the extra food Bakugou accidentally makes.

Then watch shows or movies together before having Katsuki stop them at their scheduled time to brush their teeth and go to sleep or during the weekends, have Katsuki sleep on whoever is sitting next to his shoulders.

Obviously he'd always blow up the person who he had slept on, demanding to know why they let him but eventually he realized it was a silly thing to do since nobody cared much about his threats and kept doing it.

Not like he'd ever admit he stopped barking at them about because he liked it, no!

It was also stupid to beat them up because he fell asleep on them.

Izuku sighed, squirming down and into himself uncomfortably in order to be able to hide himself. He flinched when he felt a branch painfully push onto his arm from his position but quickly ignored it and stiffened hearing footsteps.

"U-uh thanks for coming even with your head thing.."

Izuku watched Denki and Katsuki walk together towards the wall of the back school.

Katsuki grunted. "Ts'not a problem."

Izuku leaned in attentively, giving all his attention to the conversation and ignoring his discomfort as branches pinched themselves deeper into him.

"So.. what do you think..?" Denki nervously fiddled with the hem of his shirt, a quivering smile on his face.

Katsuki sighed, keeping his eyes closed on the ground before looking up and Denki, "I think you're a... nice person... but I don't... like you that way."

Silence followed and Denki stayed fixated on the ground, lip quivering even more now, tears threatening to spill.

"Shit- hey uh.. you're a good person and stuff, it's not you, it's me. I just like- s-being uh.... alone..." Katsuki tried to comfort Denki, stopping himself from reaching out for him.

"I think it's better if I go." He said instead as he started to speed walk around the corner.

Izuku felt a smile etch his face.

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