Chapter 23

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Sure it was a nice view, nice weather, and nice temperature, but there was no way in fucking hell that Katsuki was going to enter the water.

They had bought him a swimsuit to wear, complaining that his tank top and shorts weren't swimming material. Which was the goddamn point for bringing it!

But they had to be knuckle heads and predict that outcome, packing him his own skimpy pair of swim shorts and flaccid top, which was almost as bad as saying, "Hey man! We know that you got sexually assaulted and have trauma from that, so here's a shirt to cover up!"

Fucking idiots with well intentions.

He was going to stay under the umbrella for the whole time they're at the beach, end of story. Katsuki wasn't a fan of the ocean, he hated not knowing what was in the water, and right now more than ever.

His friends didn't nag him further when he ignored their please, leaving with the one-sided promise that he would join them when he felt like it.

As if.

Stretched out on his lounge with the sun's heat seeping through the edges of his umbrella felt good, he wouldn't deny it, so he'd much rather stay that way.

He loves his friends, really, but he doesn't love when they can't take a fucking hint. Not only does it just serve to irritate him but it makes him lose his mind. Like seriously, you'd think they'd back off as soon as he goes quiet and just glares at them.

He watched from the shade as they all played in the water, tossing around a white ball in their makeshift volleyball game.

The details weren't important, because it was too funny seeing Denki repeatedly get hit in the face with the ball almost every time it got passed to him.

Idiot kept blocking with his face.

After what felt like the hundred time of him getting it sent to his face he finally snapped and warned them that he would send his bolts through the water. Everyone immediately stopped laughing in favor of rushing out of the water.

Okay maybe this beach day was helping him feel better.

After a an hour and his friends asking him to join every fifteen minutes he folded.

Sighing as he dressed into what they got him he walked out of the bathroom and towards the volleyball stand.

Luckily they were able to locate one since Katsuki was dead serious about not entering the frigid water. Mina had complained about it but kept her mouth shut after Izuku gave her a death glare.

Kirishima waved Katsuki over to his team, opposite of Izuku's. Well whats the harm in playing against him for once?

So with everything settled and everyone in position the game started.


Okay so maybe Katsuki did get wet despite himself.

So what, it's hard to care when you're having so much fun! Now, he isn't against the ocean. . . Just doesn't like it, so it's perfectly fine!

Everyone was laughing as they dried off, teasing Katsuki for going against his own promise. He laughed with them, catching himself and everyone else off guard.

"Damn why don't you laugh more?" Sero said, eyes lit up in curiosity.

Mina nodded in agreement, Kirishima staring at the blond in wonder.

What was their fucking problem? Is he not allowed to laugh? With a grumble he snapped, "What?"

Kirishima looked at him incredulously, hand going to his face as he chuckled in disbelief, "Dude, you have a pretty laugh."

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