Chapter 20

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TW: Sexual coercion, MENTIONED mpreg, minor body modification, and sexual assault. Although this story has a happy ending if this triggers or bothers you click off!


Izuku's sitting impatiently, eyeing the heroes in front of him as if they were the reason for Katsuki's disappearance.

The silent buzz of the room combined with the tension seeping through the green headed boys glare had everyone stilled. When footsteps approached and the door swung open everyone looked like they were near tears.

Aizawa cleared his throat, walking past everyone to sit near his students. With that Izuku relaxed, looking up at his teacher with those big green worried eyes.

"Alright we should get this started then." Nezu stated as he sorted through a folder.

Murmurs of agreement.

Aizawa motioned over to Tsukauchi. "Could you explain to everyone in here what we told Bakugou?"

Tsukauchi immediately sat straight, nodding as faced the heroes in training.

"It seems that your friend was a target from a drug cartel. We have just now found out that they're part of a Yakuza group, but their intentions are theorized to be. . ." He frowns to himself and Izuku felt his heart throb.

"They have the ability to steal quirks but from what we know they don't have anyone with that ability, rather they have connections with people that get it for them."

Izuku bounced his leg, unease spreading throughout the room.

"Couldn't it be possible that they'll use one of the stolen quirks on him? Like a mutation quirk or something to turn him into a weapon?" Izuku felt his insides churn as the words slipped out his mouth.

Hizashi's usually bright smile was dumbed down into a solemn frown. Nezu was fiddling with his tea, and Aizawa refused to make eye contact, finding the table interesting.

"Don't tell me. . . that's your current suspicion, isn't it?" Izuku felt his head beat in unison with his heart.

Aizawa sighed, looking up and to the ceiling when he realized nobody was brave enough to say it, "Our theory is they'll use him to make a. . . stronger being."

Izuku nearly burst out his seat, swivel chair hitting the wall behind him.

"Is this a coercion situation he's in? He's gonna get-" he held in a choked breath, "-what the hell why are we just sitting here!"

"We don't have any leads." Tsukauchi whispered, the room going silent as they let Izuku process what that meant.

"No." He mumbled after a while, "No! Why are we all just sitting here while he's probably out there fighting for his life!"

Todoroki spoke up, "Midoriya, they don't have leads, they have a theoretical motive, and the kidnappers are a well feared Yakuza group that specializes in stollen quirks, not to mention drugs. They can't walk into this blindly."

Iida took a while to nod, "Yes, they're doing what they can. We can't risk getting other's hurt by rushing in."

On cue Kirishima lunged onto Izuku, tackling him to the ground with his quirk as the smaller boy snarled, "Let me go Kirishima! If you're all going to be useless then I'll make it my responsibility!"

"Sedatives quickly!" A voice screeched from behind them when Izuku began to channel his quirk.

Before he could land a blow on the red head something poked his neck and muffled voices fell dull.

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