Chapter 25

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The silence was deafening.

Priscilla must've been updated on recent events because even her usual bright bubbly personality was dulled down to unusual silence and quiet taps of her pen on her clipboard.

Without the two of them in good terms and starting the conversation it just felt awkward. If one of them talked the other wouldn't want to get involved, and it would just be one of them voicing their thoughts while the other listened.

Which would obviously be uncomfortable.

So as they sat in silence Priscilla cleared her throat, "So. I've been told you two are having some, issues?"

Great way to start the session, thanks a fucking lot for your help.

The silence that followed after was most likely expected. Izuku continued staring at a painting in the end of the room and Katsuki just slumped into the couch and stared at the plant in the corner.

Priscilla sighed, forcing her shoulder's to relax as she spoke, "I've seen this many times you know? It's not an uncommon situation you two have found yourselves in."

At that they both glanced her way, "Miscommunication and misunderstandings? I just need both sides of your stories."

Izuku's eyes darted towards Katsuki, Katsuki's skimmed through his. Despite their circumstances they agreed with a small nod in unison.

She smiled, "Great! Let's start with Bakuguo."

With a heavy sigh the blond began, "Kirishima was just helping get down some snacks from the top shelves and I was in between the two. Him and icy-hot walked in and I guess it looked weird."

Izuku was conflicted, on one hand he wanted to believe him, after all he wasn't ever given much reason not to, but on the other he was told countless times that he's too trusting, and equally forgiving.

Plus, how would he explain the non public affection?

Priscilla nodded at Katsuki's short-lived explanation with a nervous chuckle, "Alright, now while that is one of the problem you guys are here to solve, I was talking about the other one. The one where Bakugou got kidnapped?"

Suddenly Katsuki's throat felt dry, his hands got sweaty and his head felt muddled.

Warmth pooled in his guts and oh god he was going to be sick-

Priscilla quickly caught onto his symptoms and handed him a trash bin, handing him a tissue when he finished retching into it.

Fuck, he was so goddamn weak. Can't even keep his food down.

With wobbly hands he handed back the bin which Priscilla declined, "I want you to have it close by, just in case."

A man came in with a pitcher of water and cups, setting them down before exiting again.

Priscilla thanked him before handing a cup to the blond, who sat quietly as he felt the nausea reside.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought up a sensitive subject in such a way." Priscilla whispered, watching Katsuki flinch at the mention of it.

"It's not a fucking big deal, I just ate something bad." He grumbled, ignoring the way Izuku looked at him with the familiar look of worry.

After he calmed down he slowly told her more about what happened, stopping every once and a while to catch himself before continuing.

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