Therapy (cannon events)

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Izuku and Katsuki walked into the therapy room they we're assigned to and sat down on a couch facing their therapist.

Their therapist was a women that looked like she was in her mid twenties. Both males thought that it was a pretty young age to be a therapist since most of their classmates therapists were around their fourties' (or older).

"Hello, I'm Priscilla, nice to meet you two!" She happily exclaimed with a bright smile, slightly easing how nervous and tense they felt at the moment.

They were about to introduce themselves but Priscilla stopped them since she already knew their names.

"Midoriya, Bakugou, I've heard a lot about you from your teachers! Now, I want you two to know that everything said in this room, stays in this room. So you can feel free to express yourself as much as you want!" She said as she lifted her clipboard up, putting a leg over another to use as a table for it.

Time skip 20 minutes later once they (Izuku and Priscilla) warmed up to each other their conversations became more let loose. For example, the same way to talk to your friend. Not best friend though, regular friend.

"-and whenever Im with Kacchan I feel so happy because I know hes still here and alive!" Izuku stated, voice cracking with slight joy and guilt for not being there earlier to help him during the war.

Katsuki rubbed his back, whispering, "Hey it's okay..." softly into his ear when Izuku had rested his elbows on his knees and hid his head into his hands, trying his best to contain himself and not burst out crying during their goddamn therapy session.

Priscilla looked at the two with empathy as she took a few notes.

"Sorry.. sorry- I didnt mean to ruin the session." Izuku muttered as he harshly rubbed his eyes in order to get rid of his tears.

Priscilla shook her head in disagreement, "Therapist like me are here to make you feel better. Showing emotions is natural, especially with everything you guys have gone through. Plus therapy is all about expressing yourself so you shouldn't be apologizing."

Bakugou felt a burning pain in his heart of regret. Prisilla was saying something so true. Yet Katsukis ass had been growing up with Izuku, teaching the opposite.

Katsuki embedded the idea that showing emotion would result with pain or torture into Izukus head.

Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle school, all places were he would mercilessly beat him up for even saying honest or natural feelings.

Izuku regained composure and took in a deep breath, smiling when Priscilla said that. "Thank you, you don't know how much I needed to hear that." Izuku said through a weak laugh to try and cover the knot in his throat.

Katsuki felt worse. All this time all he's done is give Izuku undeserved attitude. Even when Izukus just trying to be give him a quick hug he always ends up giving him a fight.

All he's doing is making it harder for him.

"-kugou? Bakugou!" Priscilla waved a hand over his eyes to get his attention, concern lacing her voice as a sigh of relief escaped her lips once Katsuki looked up.

"Midoriya excused himself to the bathroom and I have a feeling you have something you want to put off your chest?"

Yeah, he would love to push Izukus dumbass head outta it and for him to stop treating it like some convenient pillow.

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