Chapter 19

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A/N: I'm re-opening this story thanks to the wonderful idea @raindrop7702 gave me. 

This is only one of the few chapters I'll be adding but I expect to have the whole story completed by the end of this month so don't forget to vote and share your thoughts!

I'm just going to put out that from this point forward the story will take a darker turn regarding sexual assault and themes as such. If this triggers or brings you discomfort, click off and accept the first ending as it is!

If you're still going to continue this story with unease this is a reminder that they will have a happy ending.

Thank you for your consideration and thank you @raindrop7702 for this idea!


The days went by normally, Katsuki blowing up people, Izuku fiddling when his friends came to talk to him, their usual classes all normal. The familiarity of it all was peaceful in a way.

And nobody suspected that the two boys that have always bickered about each other could possibly be dating.

It felt like an insult to the face but really who could notice? Katsuki still threatened him, smacked him, yelled at him in response to the simplest of sentences. Izuku tried to hold his hand only to get pushed away with a glare.

Katsuki Bakugou was a very confusing person.

He'd been nice and soft at the beginning but it was as if the fact that they were dating was a pass to backtrack it all.

He treated him like all the others (still un-doubtly kinder and understanding).

Yet he started acting like a jerk around him, even after confirming their feelings for one another. Only when they were in their dorms did he show his affection, hugging and cuddling him, puckering his face with kisses.

Izuku wasn't one to complain, mostly about Katsuki, but he still found it odd and discomforting on how un public his boyfriend wanted them to be.

His attempts to hold Katsuki's hands went unrecognized as his hand always got swat away, light touches being rejected almost as cruelly. He didn't mind it much, he knew Katsuki didn't want their friends to know due to their inability to not snoop into peoples business.

Despite that they still show and were approached for how strangely close they were for mere frenemies, people doubting if they could even call them that anymore.

Katsuki was easy to brush off the rumors unlike Izuku who made a habit out of frantically flailing his arms as he tried to lie through his teeth. Luckily Katsuki is always nearly a foot away from him.

Katsuki grumbled as he threw his tray into the trash can. He rolled his eyes feeling how Izuku's gaze traced him, eyeing his every movement as if he would somehow disappear right then and there.

His focused quickly shifted focus when someone tapped his shoulder, and he turned to see a slightly shorter girl standing in front of him, fiddling with a note in hand.

"I- uh- y-your Bakugou right. . .?" She nearly whispered.

Katsuki held back the need to roll his eyes, restraining from laughing at the trembling girl in front of him.

"Yeah so? What is it to you?" He replied snarkly, looking at her intently as she failed to keep eye contact.

"Oh god uh- I have this f-for you!" she scrambled to shove the envelope into his chest, rushed movements causing her to accidentally push Katsuki onto the garbage can.

"Who knew Bakugou had game." Denki muttered bitterly, sigh-whine causing sympathetic looks to be shared around the table.

Unlike Denki Katsuki showed no interest in dating or girls specifically. This stirred an inside joke in the class, allegations of the blond being interested in men causing half of the dorms to explode.

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