Go to sleep you gayasses

961 27 20

Location: ???
Time: ???


"Get up." A voice ordered, lightly kicking Izuku's side to wake the greenette up who was laying back side up on the floor.

"Huh?" Izuku mumbled, opening his eyes and taking in his surroundings. At first he thought he was hallucinating because he had just 'woken up', until his vision finally set in.

A... a black void? Where is he?

Oh no.
Anything but this.
Please, anything but this again.

Realization quickly morphed into horror as Midoriya leapt onto his feet and backed away from where he heard the voice, eyes scanning over the area but not spotting the owner.

Footsteps approached from behind, he quickly did a full body turn.

It's always those footsteps, every single time!

"Boo." The dreadful voice said from above his shoulder.

Izuku froze. His body wasn't allowing him to move. As much force as he put he just couldn't. It was as if his body became paralyzed.

The voice was recognizable, but his brain wasn't allowing him to process who it was.

He felt a chin rest on his shoulder, smooth breathing from the 'stranger' being audible.

"Why didn't you just jump off that roof when you had the chance? None of this would've happened if you did.."

The things said wasn't what affected Izuku, it was the familiar voice that was saying those things that scared him.

The voice was such a known one, it felt like he knew the person all his life. Thats why it hurt so much. Hearing it come out of a person he knows he loves and cares about made the words matter, but whos the voice belong to?

"Hmm? Are you not paying attention to me? Come on Deku, you fucking know better than that, don't you?" The voice lulled into his ear, Izukus eyes snapping wide when it finally clicked into his brain.

It was Katsuki.

His Katsuki was the one saying all these degrading things this time.

Except it isn't his Katsuki thats actually saying it.

It.. it didnt hurt anymore. The voice, the words.

It was all fine. Everything felt fine.

Its not because he was used to Katsuki treating him like shit, he felt fine because he knew Katsuki was trying to change into a better person.

He knows his Katsuki is trying.

"Little piece of shit, are you fucking listening to-"

"Kacchan personally could and would never. You thought you could be him." Izuku scoffed as he turned to face the impersonator with a sassy stance.

The person looked exactly like Katsuki. For the sake of being able to identify the impersonator lets call them 'Hoe'.

Hoe looked shocked, their face was twisted in confusion conflicted with anger.

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