Chapter 24

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Katsuki was used to waking up to beeps by this point.

The smell of hand sanitizer, gloves and the frigid air hitting his face. It was nothing new really. However the sense of betrayal deep in the pits of his stomach was.

Izuku just stood there while he was getting attacked, not even a word from him. He just watched, almost as if watching some sort of reality tv show. Did he really not care?

Did he really believe Katsuki would cheat? He felt his heart ache at the thought of it. Maybe he deserved it though, karma for all the years of bullying and taunting endlessly.

The physical beatings he gave Izuku would never compare, but the emotional hurt was almost as bad. Fuck, he really messed up. He went straight to violence, as always, instead of trying to voice out his side of the story.

He can't be mad about a problem he caused can he? Todoroki was right, he could've moved out the way for Kirishima to get the snacks.

Maybe Chiyo was right, he wasn't lovable, just fuckable.

He wasn't and never would be capable of being loved. He was just a pretty boy for people to admire from afar. If they were to get to close and know him? His personality?

No, the only thing he had going for him was his looks, and right now that's the last thing he wants to be boasting about. I mean, was his body really the only lovable thing about him?

Maybe he really would just be viewed as a possession. The league seemed to think so, as did his weird fans, the fucking Yakuza, and even his classmates joked about it.

And it wasn't like he's sensitive, he could take the jokes, but they've never felt so real.

He felt disgusted in himself, he hated his body, hated his mind, and hated the unwanted attention he once loved.

Tears welled up in his eyes and oh god was he turning into a crybaby.


Izuku stared at his ceiling.

He didn't even know how to feel about everything. He thought Katsuki was ignoring him out of fear or trauma reflex since he found out Izuku's eyes reminded him of Botan.

But no, it turned out he was having an affair. With Kirishima out of all people. It made sense though, Kirishima was so easily able to be-friend Katsuki and always has had a strong relationship with the blond.

He couldn't blame Katsuki for wanting to be with someone he had a stronger bond with, even if it hurt to admit he would never be that person.

He wouldn't burden Katsuki with needing to pretend to love him anymore.

It all seemed to make sense too, not telling anyone they were dating, their non public shows of affection.

Plus Katsuki was attractive, so much so that even Denki, the supposed perverted straight guy, fell for him. It wouldn't exactly be hard for him to cheat.

As to why he didn't interfere with the fight? He felt too shocked with everything that was happening in the moment.

For once his body couldn't work with his brain.

He wanted so desperately to stop Todoroki from obviously hurting his Katsuki.

But like the useless Deku he's always been he stood there like an idiot, even when Katsuki practically begged for help when he turned to look at him.

And oh, he was feeling guilty. Really, really guilty.

Because deep down he wanted to see Katsuki get hurt, maybe he wanted to see him pay for playing with Izuku's feelings.

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