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"Mind to explain why this is this third time this week I've had to pull you two after school?" Aizawa groaned in exhaustion, genuinely not knowing the actual reason why they've been coming to school brain dead.

Whenever he'd ask, Izuku and Katsuki would blow him off, ignoring the question or telling him to fuck off.

This time though, Aizawa was ready to do about anything to get an answer.

Izuku decided that this time he was ready to admit the reason. After all what could go wrong?

"Uhh.." Izuku trailed off

Everything could go wrong- thats what!
He wants to tell his teacher, he really does!

It's just... he thinks Aizawa would think its stupid, and in the worst case scenario he would be prohibited him from sleeping with Katsuki because he's dragging him down with him.

He wants to say it so bad, but the words would get stuck in his throat causing his to just have his mouth open to speak.

Its because of him that Katsuki isn't saying anything and it makes him feel guilty for silencing him, but what if he lets him say it for once?

Katsuki glanced at him, Izuku immediately glancing back when he felt his gaze.

He gave the green man a knowing look, Izuku nodding in understanding. To Aizawa it looked like if they were communicating telepathically.

Now that Katsuki had Izuku's consent to tell Aizawa he took action.

"He's been having nightmares, basically of all of us but they are consistently degrading him to drag him into panic." Katsuki and Izuku shared a glance of confirmation before continuing,

"We wake up at night because he subconsciously squeezes me so then I wake him up before he gets to deep into the nightmare. We usually can't go to sleep after that so we just watch netflix. Oh yeah, Netflix is booty bruh, they're taking away all the good shit."

Aizawa mentally smacked himself, he owes Mic 100$ now, great. As if he gets paid enough already.

"Uhm, I know it's probably not the best thing to say but, have you guys tried to use melatonin?" Aizawa suggested in a empathetic tone.

He's not mad at Izuku? That can't be right...
Something is definitely wrong!

"Yeah, many times. It never worked so one time we each chugged down a whole bottle of it and it still didn't work. But it was funny because it made my legs become so wobbly I could barely walk and it made Izukus 2 arms become like spaghetti too." Katsuki calmly replied making him and Izuku chuckle at the memory as if they didn't just admit they both did something that could've killed them just for the fun of it.

"Im honestly so concerned for the both of your guys mental health." Aizawa answered with a face that screamed, 'Why would you do that?!'.

"Oh yeah but it got better!" Izuku happily exclaimed. "The nightmares and stuff!"

"Hn?" Katsuki asked confused. "What do you mean? Did you not tell me something?!"

"Hah.. yeah... kinda??" Izuku said as he scrunched into himself on reflex.

Katsuki just sighed and said, "I'm not gonna hit you calm down, anyways what were you about to say?"

Izuku remained in his defensive position, not knowing if it was a trick or not. Katsuki just stared at him with bored eyes.

"Are you done yet?" He unenthusiastically asked. Izuku just looked at him in shock before standing straight.

"Uh.. sorry?" Izuku said giving a weak smile. Katsuki simply hummed and motioned his head to Aizawa.

"Oh! Right, so it's hard to explain what happened but I don't think those nightmares will appear any time soon..." Izuku gave a slight chuckle when he remembered what had happened in his nightmare the previous night.

"Details?? Hello?? Storytime??" Katsuki scoffed in disappointment when he didn't get the full story as he had expected.

"It's.. confusing to explain Kacchan."

"Well do you at least now what stopped the nightmares?" Katsuki pressed on. Izuku shook his head no.

Their teacher sighed, "Okay well, if you two cant sleep at night for any reason take these pills." Aizawa handed Katsuki a pill bottle. The wrapper around it was peeled off so the bottle was a plain white color with a blue lid.

"Only take one, these are extremely strong and chugging down a bottle of those is sure to lead to your death."

The two nodded in understanding.

"Now, your classmates have taken up the offer on the therapy U.A's willing to pay for you guys, if you ever want to you can just ask. We can even give you two couple therapy if its easier that way."

"We aren't dating." The younger males simultaneously stated with tired sighs of always being called one.

"Its just the name for it, you don't necessarily need to be dating." Aizawa said giving an amused smile.

Izuku looked at Katsuki who stared back.

He wanted to go to therapy with him. Who knows maybe it could help?

Katsuki IKnowHowToReadIzuku-Bakugou nodded in agreement to what Aizawa said, still not taking his gaze off of Izuku,
"We'll take it."



I have the best idea.

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