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"I cant pick up any signs of movement." Jiro stated, looking at her team and releasing her ear jack from the ground.

The group continued walking, Izuku leading them.

"I know that this isn't of much importance right now, but dont you find it weird that Aizawa didn't separate Todoroki and Midoriya?" Mina chirped up, finger on her chin in thought. "It's almost as if he made our team have a bit more of an advantage."

Everyone looked at each other, realization setting in.

"I didn't think much of that but, do you think that it's in case..." Uraraka trailed off, not wanting to accidentally say anything sensitive.

"In case I go rouge? Yeah I figured he would once he announced Kacchan was the target, dont worry you can say it." Midoriya finished her sentence for her, fidgeting with the bracelet on his wrist.

"I don't know about you guys but I have a feeling he did everything on purpose, y'k with Bakugou being the target and everything." Todoroki joined into the conversation adding his own thoughts as he pointed the group through an alley way.

"Why do you say that?" Midoriya asked intrigued with what the bipolar male was thinking. "Are you saying he wants me to go rouge?"

"Yes, exactly. I think that this is a test on you to see how you can deal with the pressure and stress." Todoroki continued, "If anything I think that Aizawa did this in hopes of being able to get a good show."

The group gasped in astonishment, had their teacher just did all this to get nice show to sit back and relax to? All at the same time they werent as surprised.

"It's Aizawa after all." Ojiro said with a weak chuckle, trying to lighten the mood the straightforward bipolar male had set.

Midoriya stopped in his tracks and became silent, although it seemed that he did this because he was affected it wasn't that. He could hear shuffling from beside them, he looked around trying to spot the source of the noise but then it came to a pestering halt.

"Deku? Are you okay?" Ochako asked as she observed his odd behavior.

Izuku turned his body to face them, scanning around them for a sign of an enemy.


Was it just his imagination? Was he becoming paranoid of the thought of Katsuki being taken away from him?

Wait. Katsuki could be being taken away right now by the L.O.V or some random villains that got into the area!

He shook his head, a slight groan coming from him as he let his head rest in his hands.

No no, that's impossible. He has to stop having these repulsive thoughts. But. But....!

"Hey? Dude are you okay?" Kaminari asked, oblivious to the fact that his friend was having yet another panic attack.

He walked up to the greenette and put a hand on his shoulder, causing Izuku to flinch and desperately lift his head up, arm raised in charge mode.

Izuku took a shaky breath as he felt his eyes start turning blury. Everything he would look at started turning blotchy and deranged.

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