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Short-lived Bai Yueguang only wants salted fish
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 12

    The dinner was well prepared, Jiang Yi ate and drank well, and was in a particularly happy mood.

    As one of Jiang Qionghua's courtesies, Jiang Silu was treated with special enthusiasm. At the dining table, Jiang Qionghua kept saying, "I remember Shuangshang likes to eat this", and then kept adding vegetables to Jiang Shuangshang.

    When Jiang Yi saw Jiang Ruxie's pile of food next to him, his eyes were filled with teasing smiles. Maybe it was because she teased her too clearly, Jiang Silu turned his head and glanced at her.

    Jiang Yi immediately suppressed his smile, and continued to eat as if nothing had happened.

    Jiang Shuang looked at her for a long time, hesitated for a long time, and then asked in a low voice: "Do you want it?"

    Actually, Jiang Yi didn't hear what she was saying, and was stunned. Only then did Jiang Silu point to the dishes Jiang Qionghua put in his bowl, and asked very friendly: "Do you want it?"

    Jiang Yi understood what she meant, shook his head quickly, and said firmly: "No, I don't want it! "

    Her attitude seemed to be very resistant, so Jiang Silu didn't ask any more, but silently digested the pile of hills in the bowl.

    Jiang Ruxie didn't eat much, and he was full after a while, and it was a bit difficult to eat after that.

    Jiang Yi saw her state, and felt that Jiang Rushang, who was "pleased", also suffered a lot. She couldn't bear it, and stopped the very "kind" Jiang Qionghua: "Don't pinch, the pile in front of her is as high as a mountain, and she will be full if she eats any more!

    " Everyone else's attention was attracted.

    Especially Jiang Rulu who was beside her turned her head to look at her with surprise in her eyes.

    It was only then that Jiang Qionghua realized that there was indeed a lot of things piled up in Jiang Silu's bowl, and then he said embarrassingly, "I didn't pay attention. If you are full, don't continue to eat. You still have to eat at night." Appropriate amount, appropriate amount."

    Seeing his cheap mother's flattering appearance, Jiang Yi clicked his tongue lightly, and suddenly felt very disgusted. How should I put it, adults are really innocent, naive, and wishful thinking when it comes to pleasing children.

    Although her dislike was not so obvious, Jiang Qionghua, who was as keen as she was, also noticed it. Jiang Qionghua looked at the pile of food in Jiang Silu's bowl, and then looked at Jiang Yi who was buried in eating, and realized that she had ignored her.

    Jiang Qionghua's old mother's heart felt a little guilty, and she quickly picked up a piece of ginger duck for Jiang Yi, and said like a treasure: "Come, come, you can't eat much, you can eat more.

    " If he really cared about Jiang Qionghua's cheap mother, sooner or later he would be mad at her to death. What does it mean that if you can't eat much, she will eat more. Do you dare her to eat the leftovers of Jiang Sishang?

    Jiang Yi took the bowl back and said very vigilantly: "Don't come here, I will pick it up myself."     Jiang Qionghua insisted

    : "Come on, this is delicious."

After being entangled for a while, they were playing around like kindergarten children.

    Ning Wenyin couldn't help laughing when she saw the scene where they "seem to be tit for tat, but actually mother and daughter are deeply affectionate". Even Jiang Ruxiu glanced at her mother secretly, showing a shallow smile.

    From this point of view, the relationship between Jiang Qionghua and Jiang Yi is really not that bad, at least they can play around, right?

    After dinner, Jiang Qionghua asked Jiang Yi to take Jiang Shuang upstairs: "Shang Lai lives with you on the third floor, the room on your right. Take her to get acquainted with the house." Jiang Yi just wanted to say that he was also

    just For half a month, I am not so familiar with this family, but before she could speak, Ning Wenyin on the side showed a look of "Then please", and said to Jiang Yi: "Then trouble Xiaoyi Get acquainted with the family."

    Who can refuse the request of a beautiful aunt? Anyway, Jiang Yi couldn't. She had no choice but to resign herself to her fate, and led Jiang Silu upstairs.

    She was too lazy to walk, so she took the elevator upstairs.

    The two of them didn't talk all the way, Jiang Yi carried Jiang Silu to the room next to his room, pointed to the door and said, "Here we are." Yi said thank you.

    The bedrooms in the Jiang family villa are basically electronic combination locks. Jiang Yi opened the door after entering the initial password

    . Walking towards the room, seeing the unpacked luggage in the room, she said awkwardly to Jiang Shuang: "You pack your things first, I'm leaving." She scratched her head and walked towards the

    door .

    Jiang Shuang glanced at her, and called her hesitantly: "Jiang Yi..."

    Jiang Yi turned his head and looked at her with some doubts. Jiang Ruling was carrying her schoolbag, standing in the room with a straight figure, and said to Jiang Yi: "We...can we get along well?" Jiang Yi took a step back,

    stood at the door of the room and said vigilantly: "It's not necessary, no Just tit for tat." After all, living under the same roof, do they have to hate each other?

    But Jiang Yi didn't want to get close to Jiang Silu either. She coughed lightly and said, "We don't know each other well at all, we're just ordinary classmates. And at school, we try not to communicate with each other as much as possible. After all, you...are a high-profile People will attract a lot of attention, I don't like it."

    Jiang Yi felt that his performance was really great. She decided to express her position of keeping a distance from Jiang Silu: "Also... if we are at home, we should try our best not to invade each other's space. You are an Omega, I... don't like the smell of you very much." Okay

    , Jiang Yi felt that his words would definitely be blacklisted by a girl. After all, what Omega would like someone who says they don't like your pheromones?

    After Jiang Yi finished speaking, he carefully raised his head to look at Jiang Silu's face. Jiang Silu bit her lips lightly, her expression turned cold, it was obvious that she didn't like what Jiang Yi said just now.

    Jiang Yi breathed a sigh of relief, it's really hard to be a big villain. She raised her head against the door, raised her chin and said defiantly: "So, do you understand?"

    Jiang Shuang nodded: "Understood."

    What Jiang Yi hated was not her identity, but simply her. This point, Jiang Rulu, who is kind and considerate, has already noticed it.

    Under the same roof, in order to reduce friction, Jiang Shuang also made his own promise: "I will keep a distance from you." When

    Jiang Yi heard these words, his heart was filled with joy. She didn't show it on the face, but she still had to say proudly: "If you can do this, that's the best!" After

    Jiang Yi finished speaking, she turned and walked towards her room. Jiang Rulu looked at her back, her eyebrows slightly frowned. Don't like her smell? Could it be pheromones? Her pheromone doesn't seem to smell bad...
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