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Short-lived Bai Yueguang only wants salted fish
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 89

    Xu Meng's operation went smoothly, but because of the anesthesia, he couldn't wake up for a while.

    Yu Yu felt that the operation was over and Xu Meng was not in danger for the time being, and she was not very used to being in the same space with Jiang Yi, so she urged Jiang Yi to go back.

    Jiang Yi also knew that there was nothing wrong with her here, and she also knew that Yu Yu hated her very much. After all, if there is no business, they seldom contact each other.

    As a relatively knowledgeable person, Jiang Yi drove to Jiang Silu's company after confirming that Xu Meng was in good condition.

    She parked the car downstairs with Jiang Shuang and waited for a while, pinching her hands until Jiang Shuang finished the meeting, then took out her mobile phone and called Jiang Shuang.

    Jiang Rulu's call was quickly connected, and a clear and cold voice came through the receiver: "Hello? Jiang Yi? Is my sister's operation finished?"

    Jiang Yi leaned against the car, holding the phone to answer, He stretched out his toes and kicked the ground, and said in a hoarse voice: "Well, it's done, and the operation went well."

    Jiang Silu happily replied: "That's great, I'm done with the meeting, and I'll drive over to find it later. You."

    Jiang Yi sniffed, smiled, and said softly to Jiang Shuang: "No, I have already driven downstairs to your company, and you can find me when you get down."

    Jiang Shuang was a little surprised: "Are you driving here? Then wait, I'll be down in a while."

    Jiang Ruxiu moved quickly, and Jiang Yi didn't wait long before seeing Jiang Ruyu stepping on her high heels and walking quickly towards her. come.

    Seeing her, Jiang Yi immediately straightened up and opened his arms towards her.

    Seeing this, Jiang Rulu ran towards her, threw herself into her arms, and hugged her firmly.

    Jiang Yi put his arms around her waist, rubbed her hair, and didn't speak. Jiang Silu looked up at her, and asked curiously: "Why did you come to the company to find me? Didn't you say that I would go to the hospital to find you?" Jiang Yi smiled, and said to her: "I miss

    you , so come and see you."

    She paused, and then said to Jiang Silu: "Besides, Xiao Meng is still awake, and you couldn't talk to her in the past, so you might as well go home with me." Jiang Yi let go of her arms, took her in his arms, and led

    her After getting into the passenger seat, he smiled and said to her, "Okay, Xiaomeng's surgery went so smoothly today, thanks to you, boss.

    " To express my gratitude, I will treat you to dinner tonight."

    He said yes to dinner, but it sounded like he was inviting her on a date to Jiang Silu. Speaking of which, she and Jiang Yi have also dated for a while, and the number of times Jiang Yi took the initiative to ask her out is really not that many. Hearing what Jiang Yi said at this moment, Jiang Silu was very happy.

    She raised her head and smiled at Jiang Yi: "Okay, what are you going to treat me to?"

    Jiang Yi smiled mysteriously, and closed the car door: "You will know when the time comes."

    Jiang Yi With that said, he got into the driver's seat and drove towards the home where they live now.

    When the car was about to arrive home, Jiang Shuang still had some doubts: "Is there a delicious restaurant opened near our house?" Jiang Yi turned the steering wheel,

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