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Short-lived Bai Yueguang only wants salted fish
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 19

    The horse couldn't ride anymore, Jiang Yi was sent to the hospital.

    On the way, Ning Wenyin looked at Jiang Yi's swollen wrist and shed tears of distress.

    Jiang Yi couldn't bear the beauty's tears, and when she saw Ning Wenyin's worried face, she couldn't help thinking of her mother. Coupled with the pain in my hand, I almost couldn't help crying with the other party.

    But she is a mature child, she can't cry so ugly. She had no choice but to endure the pain, and comforted Ning Wenyin that it was not a big problem, she had broken her wrist before, and she would be fine soon.

    Sitting next to Jiang Yi, Jiang Rulu bit his lower lip, his face turned pale.

    Ning Wenyin felt that Jiang Yi was going to die of pain, and urged Jiang Qionghua to drive faster along the way. Jiang Qionghua was also worried that Jiang Yi would suffer, so she sent Jiang Yi to the best hospital nearby.

    After taking a look at the film, it turned out to be a broken wrist. Fortunately, there was no displacement and no surgery was required. He was hospitalized for observation for a while, and then fixed treatment was enough.

    After a bunch of doctors gathered around Jiang Yi to discuss, they came up with a treatment plan and decided to be hospitalized.

    Jiang Qionghua felt that it was not good for her to live in the hospital alone, so she talked to Ning Wenyin, and she stayed here to accompany the bed at night, and asked Ning Wenyin to take Jiang Silu back first.

    As soon as this suggestion was put forward, Jiang Yi strongly opposed it: "I don't want it! I am fine here alone, and there are many nurses who can take care of me! If you stay, where will you sleep at night?" Jiang Qionghua had to

    remind She: "In this ward of yours, people can stay overnight!"

    Jiang Yi still objected: "Then I don't want it either. How inconvenient it is for me to have you here."

    Jiang Qionghua was puzzled: "Why is it inconvenient for you? Do you still find it inconvenient for me to take care of you?"

    Jiang Yi simply listed many inconveniences for her one by one: "You are with me, are you not allowed to answer your company phone? Are you not busy with work? Isn't this Are you arguing for me to rest?"

    "Besides, how can I play games and chat with people when you are next to me?"

    What she said was well-founded, but Jiang Qionghua only heard one important point: "Your hands are like this, and you still want to play games?"

    Jiang Yi knew that all parents would miss the point, so she was a little helpless: "I am in the hospital, I don't care. Watching TV and playing games, I'm so bored." Do you want her to study hard and improve every day?

    Jiang Qionghua was blocked by her and couldn't speak.

    Looking at Jiang Yi's injury, Ning Wenyin couldn't bear it, and said softly, "Then how about Aunt Ning staying with you? Aunt Ning doesn't have to be busy with work, and can play with you." The beauty's proposal,

    for The current Jiang Yi is like a sugar-coated cannonball. Jiang Yi was a little moved, but when she saw Ning Wenyin, she would think of the time she spent with her mother in the hospital. Now that her hand is injured, she is relatively fragile and prone to hypocrisy.

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