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Short-lived Bai Yueguang only wants salted fish
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 17

    Jiang Qionghua has been on horseback for more than 20 years, so it is of course easy to teach a mere novice. In addition, Jiang Yi was also very interested, and after learning for a while, he quickly got started, urging the rhubarb under his crotch to run forward.

    She is a novice, and she doesn't know how bumpy a horse can be at a trot. Jiang Yi bumped on the horse for a while, and almost vomited. After a small circle, Jiang Yi rolled over from the horse, his face was listless, which looked similar to the cabbages in the field.

    Jiang Qionghua comforted her with a smile: "It will be like this at the beginning, and you will get used to it after a while. You should try it more, anyway, you haven't fallen off a horse before." How can you learn to ride a horse without falling off a horse!

    The sun was very strong, Jiang Yi felt dizzy after a while, and felt sick to his stomach, and his interest had passed, so he didn't want to try again: "No, I'll come again when the sun is not so strong." She

    glanced Jiang Qionghua: "You don't need to teach me anymore. I will go to the racecourse coach if I want to learn later. Go play and spend more time with Aunt Ning." Jiang Qionghua was a little embarrassed: "Aren't you feeling uncomfortable

    ? Would you like to sit in the lounge for a while?"

    Jiang Yi shook her head: "No, I'll go by myself. You take the rhubarb for a walk, don't worry about me." She was afraid that Jiang Qionghua would follow, and emphasized again: "You were originally with Ning Auntie agreed to come out on a date, so she can't be left out."

    Jiang Qionghua was startled, then paused and said, "Okay. If you feel uncomfortable, remember to tell me, and I will take you back first."

    Jiang Yi nodded: " Hmm."

    After she finished speaking, she followed the guidance of the staff on the racecourse, came to the lounge, and found a spacious place by the window to sit down.

    She took off her hat, unbuttoned her collar to breathe, felt the cold air from the air conditioner pouring in from her collar, and slumped comfortably on the sofa.

    After sitting for a while, Jiang Yi turned his gaze out of the window, and saw Jiang Qionghua driving a horse towards Ning Wenyin from a distance. I don't know what Jiang Qionghua said, but soon the two adults raced horses on the racecourse, only two clouds of dust remained on the racecourse for a long time.

    Jiang Yi admired it for a while, then lay on the sofa and narrowed his eyes.

    After a while, Jiang Yi heard a clear female voice calling her: "Hey... hello... classmate..."

    Jiang Yi opened his eyes vaguely, and looked up to see a girl in a pink riding suit , standing pretty in front of her. Jiang Yi was stunned for a moment, before he could react, the girl smiled at her: "What a coincidence, I can meet you here too. I haven't asked your name last time." The girl smiled sweetly: "Your name is Jiang Yi

    . Yi, right? I’m Qin Miaomiao from class A, thank you for what happened last time.”

    Jiang Yi came to his senses: “Oh…you’re the one from last time…” No, Qin Miaomiao? Isn't that the school belle of Class A that the little squad leader mentioned, the girl who everyone knows has a crush on Jiang Ruxie!

    Seeing that she thought of herself, Qin Miaomiao smiled even wider: "Yes, it's me. Are you also here to learn how to ride a horse?"

    Jiang Yi nodded: "That's right." She sat up straight and patted herself The position: "Sit down and talk."

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