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Short-lived Bai Yueguang only wants salted fish
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 50

    Jiang Yi played the game for a while, but his mind kept thinking of Jiang Ruxie's expression just now, and he felt a little irritable.

    She put down the game console, and sent a message to Jiang Ruling: "Condolences and take care." Jiang Yi's mother is an orphan, and Jiang Qionghua is also a person whose parents died, so in this world, apart from Grandma Xu, Jiang Yi has no grandma. level of elders.

    In fact, she doesn't know much about the relationship between Jiang Ruxie and her grandfather, but when a relative died, Jiang Yi remembered the time when she lost her mother, and felt a little sad for no reason. Coupled with Jiang Silu's uncomfortable expression, he subconsciously wanted to comfort the other party.

    Jiang Shuang replied almost instantly: "Thank you."

    Jiang Yi asked again: "Are you okay?"

    Jiang Shuang replied briefly: "Yeah."

    Okay, so it seems that I am not in a good mood. Jiang Yi quickly replied: "Life is determined by fate, wealth and honor depend on heaven, people have good fortune and misfortune, life and death are impermanent, you have to be more open."

    Jiang Silu replied: "I am very open, you don't have to worry about me."

    Come on, since Jiang Silu has said so, why should she comfort her. Jiang Yi hurriedly replied, "That's good", and put on the headphones to play the game.

    In the next few days, Jiang Silu was basically not at home during the day, and kept his filial piety at Jiang's house in Songshan.

    The Jiang family in Songshan is in charge of the top ten food groups in China, and Jiang Wensong, the person in charge, has always been in good health. This sudden and unexpected death is really embarrassing.

    Jiang Wensong passed away suddenly, and the will was not completed. The keen media smelled the gossip material inside, and swarmed like sharks smelling blood.

    Before Jiang Wensong's funeral was over, there was a lot of gossip about the Jiang family on the Internet.

    For example, Jiang Silu's father cheated on Jiang Duobao after he became a beta. And on the night of the New Year's Eve banquet, a group of women came to the door with Jiang Liuyun's illegitimate son.

    Another example, in fact, Jiang Wensong was not the one who got the weather that day, but his own illegitimate son, not Jiang Liuyun.

    Jiang Yi was confused by what he saw online, so he simply shared gossip with his friends in the 5A group.

    Chen Wanzhou, who is the most accurate source of rich gossip, reproduced the incident in a straightforward manner in the group: "Mr. Wen Song was also very romantic when he was young, and he had as many mistresses as Jiang Silu's father.

    " Since last year, he has attached great importance to a young man surnamed Qin in the group. A while ago, Aunt Ning and your mother teamed up to grab the Songshan project. It was this young man surnamed Qin who saved some of the projects.

    " Seeing that he was still a single alpha, he married his youngest daughter to him." "

    As a result, on the night of New Year's Eve, in order to seize power, Jiang Wensong revealed that Old Qin was Jiang Wensong's illegitimate son, and had incest with his sister..."

    " As a result, you also know that the old man passed out on the spot, and he couldn't be rescued...he died..."

    Jiang Yi said, "Isn't this just a thunderstorm!"

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