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Short-lived Bai Yueguang only wants salted fish
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 43

    The banquet lasted until the early hours of the morning, and at around 11:30, bunches of huge fireworks went up in the back garden of the hotel.

    Jiang Yi and his friends stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, watching the bright fireworks rise into the night sky, and after a brief burst of light, they went silent for a moment, which was too beautiful to behold.

    Those lights were reflected in her eyes, and they were terribly bright.

    With his back to the noisy crowd, Jiang Rulu walked towards Jiang Yi who was in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows step by step, and came to her side facing the fireworks.

    Jiang Yi heard footsteps, turned his head to look behind him, and found Jiang Silu. Jiang Rulu smiled at her, and handed over the small gift box in his hand: "Jiang Yi, happy birthday."

    Jiang Yi looked at her steadfastly, and at this time another bunch of fireworks fell on the floor-to-ceiling window beside Jiang Rulu. It rises, and it explodes with a whiff. The sky was full of fireworks, and Jiang Shuang looked at her seriously while holding the box, and said, "I hope you are happy every day." At

    that moment, the fireworks reflected on Jiang Shuang's face, which was so beautiful.

    Jiang Yi was stunned for a moment, then stretched out his hand after a while, took the gift, and said with a smile: "I am very happy every day, you might as well wish me a long life."

    Jiang Silu tilted his head and thought for a while, Smiled at her: "Okay, then I wish you a long life."

    Jiang Yi held the gift, bowed to her, and said, "Then I will lend you a good word."

    Jiang Yi's sixteenth birthday , that's it.

    On the second day after the birthday party, Ning Wenyin helped Jiang Yi count the birthday presents. It was the first time for Jiang Yi to receive so many expensive gifts when he grew up so big, such as jewelry, so many that there was no place to put them.

    Ning Wenyin customized a safe for her to store these things. At first, Jiang Yi thought it was too exaggerated. Ning Wenyin smiled and said to her: "When you get older and collect more things, you can go to the bank to open a safe for you." Jiang Yi choked, and couldn't help feeling:

    " The world of the rich is really unimaginable."

    Ning Wenyin was so teased by her that she covered her mouth and rolled her eyes. After she finished laughing, she blinked and said, "Then, would Aunt Ning open a safe for you?

    " A safe is fine.”

    As a result, the safe was delivered to the house that afternoon.

    Jiang Yi had no choice but to carry a bunch of presents and start packing them into boxes. Because the squad leader had a mysterious face when he gave the gift, Jiang Yi opened the things they gave first.

    After dismantling it, Jiang Yi discovered that it was a gold brick. When turning to the back, Jiang Yi saw his own statue, and a line of small words: "Happy birthday to 1, stay with 4A." Jiang Yi was silent for a moment, and

    Ning Wenyin, who was helping her unwrap the present, couldn't help laughing : "Is this from Xiao Yi's friends? It's so cute!"

    Gold will never drop in price, and it is a good store of value. It is indeed a very suitable gift for Jiang Yi, after all, Jiang Yi is a poor man.

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