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Short-lived Bai Yueguang only wants salted fish
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 117 Extra Story 3: Jiang Yi Doesn't Amnesia 15

    After greeting both parents, Jiang Yi also felt relieved. She bought two air tickets to fly back tomorrow, then put down her phone, dragged her tired body back to the bed, and lay down next to Jiang Ruling.

    Jiang Rulu was lying on his side on the bed, already fast asleep. Jiang Yi reached out and used his fingertips to outline her facial contours, and finally landed on her slightly frowning brows, smoothing out the wrinkles on them.

    Jiang Yi smiled, and called softly: "Jiang Rulu..."

    Jiang Rulu moved his body and approached Jiang Yi. Jiang Yi shrunk down, got into the bed, put her face on Jiang Ruxie's abdomen, and whispered to her: "I will be reborn because of this."

    Because this child is her miracle.

    The two rested all morning. At noon, Jiang Yi got up and made a simple lunch. After coaxing Jiang Silu to finish eating, he hugged her and fell asleep for a long time.

    By the time the two of them regained their energy completely, it was already evening. Jiang Rulu, who had finally rested enough, remembered to deal with messy things, nestled in Jiang Yi's arms and asked her obediently: "What should we say, mothers? Shall we talk about it at night?" Jiang Yi yawned and hugged Jiang Yi tightly

    . Rulu lazily said to her: "I already said this morning, your mother told us to fly back tomorrow to explain, I have already bought the air ticket, and we will go back together tomorrow." Jiang Ruyu looked up at her in

    surprise "You already said it? Then how did they react?"

    Jiang Yi replied with a smile: "My mother said she was going to kill me, so your mother probably wasn't very happy.

    " Some are not very pretty. Jiang Yi leaned over and asked her with a smile: "Why, are you afraid of them?"

    Jiang Shuang shook his head and hugged Jiang Yi tightly: "I'm not afraid of this, but it hurts a little, and I want you to face them alone."

    Jiang Yi patted her on the back to comfort her: "Actually, they are all the same. Anyway, I will be punished when I go home tomorrow. But I told them that we are going to get married. So tomorrow, even if my mother wants to beat me to death, I will still I will marry you."

    Jiang Yi said, leaning over and patting a big kiss on Jiang Silu's forehead: "Don't worry, you have to know, everything is up to me."

    Jiang Silu nodded, rubbed her chest, and said softly good.

    The next day, Jiang Silu asked for leave, and went home with Jiang Yi.

    Sure enough, after arriving home, Ning Wenyin and Jiang Qionghua didn't seem to be in a good mood. Jiang Yi and Jiang Shuang were not afraid either. When faced with the bombardment by two mothers, both of them answered with ease.

    After confirming that they really planned to get married, Ning Wenyin asked again: "Are you sure you really want to get married?"

    Jiang Yi shook Jiang Sixi's hand and said firmly: "I'm sure."

    Jiang Si Xun also looked up at her mother with firm eyes: "I don't want to marry anyone except Jiang Yi."

    Well, these are two young people who are typically in love.

    Ning Wenyin paused, and said: "There are too many uncertainties in marriage. You are still young and in love, but what about the future?"

    Jiang Yi smiled, held Jiang Sixi's hand and said: " It's so long in the future, I don't know what will happen. But now, I want to get married with Sara. Aunt Ning, I can sign a prenuptial agreement, and I won't mark Lai. I will take another year off from school after the child is born. , I won’t trouble you.”

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