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Short-lived Bai Yueguang only wants salted fish
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 44

    Jiang Yi raised her head, looked at Jiang Ruxun who was standing in front of her wearing a rose mask, and asked unconsciously, "Why didn't you agree?"

    Why? Why else? Of course, she didn't want her to accept Chu Ningning's confession, and she didn't want her to be with others.

    After hearing that confession, Jiang Rulu lost control of himself. The reaction of her body was faster than her consciousness, she almost ran to Jiang Yi on high heels, uncontrollably trying to stop her from agreeing to him.

    Jiang Silu knows that there are many people who like Jiang Yi, and Chu Ningning is not the first person to confess to Jiang Yi. It can be seen that Chu Ningning persistently gave gifts to Jiang Yi, wanted to go further under the tree, and then walked up to Jiang Yi little by little, Jiang Silu couldn't treat Chu Ningning as other people.

    Chu Ningning's liking for Jiang Yi is serious. A serious emotion will get a heartfelt response from someone like Jiang Yi.

    Jiang Ruxue didn't want Jiang Yi to respond to the other party, so at this moment she looked at Jiang Yi who raised her head and asked back, her reason was eroded by jealousy, her head went blank, and she couldn't answer anything.

    Seeing this, Chu Ningning plucked up the courage to say, "Let go of Jiang Yi first, I was the one who came first." Chu Ningning turned to look at Jiang Yi, and asked again: "Jiang Yi, would you like to come with me?" Are you dancing?"

    Jiang Yi actually didn't think about it, she was silent and didn't reply.

    Jiang Silu bit her lips, thinking that if she wanted to come first, I would come first, I was the one who grabbed Jiang Yi's hand first, and it was I who met her first.

    Distraught, Jiang Silu pulled Jiang Yi up and led her forward silently.

    Jiang Yi was picked up by her, and he stumbled forward, his head was in a daze. At this time, Chu Ningning also chased after her, grabbed Jiang Yi, and was in a stalemate with Jiang Ruling on the other end, with a stubborn expression: "Jiang Yi hasn't answered me yet, you can't take her away.

    " He glanced at her, not going to talk to her. She turned around and dragged Jiang Yi forward.

    Not to be outdone, Chu Ningning stretched out both hands to hold Jiang Yi, and confronted Jiang Silu.

    Jiang Yi, who was in the middle, felt that he was the line in the middle of the tug-of-war, being pulled by the two to maintain a delicate balance in the middle.

    What kind of miraculous scene is this, why does it feel like a Shura field?

    What's the matter with Jiang Silu, why did he come out suddenly, with such a stubborn attitude. Isn't she just being confessed to, and it's not a big deal...

    Could it be that...Jiang Ruxi actually likes her?

    Jiang Yi's heart beat wildly at the thought of this, and he wished he could jump away from Jiang Ruxie's side immediately.

    She quickly shook off Jiang Rulu's hand, took a step back, stood between the two of them, and said angrily, "What are you doing, am I the rope for the tug-of-war? I'm going to be pulled around by you."

    Suddenly, Jiang Silu's hands were empty, and he looked at Jiang Yi who was standing not far away, flustered.

    She stretched out her hand in a panic, wanting to grab Jiang Yi, but in vain. The hand that stopped in mid-air grabbed a handful of air, and gradually clenched it unwillingly.

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