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Short-lived Bai Yueguang only wants salted fish
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 82

    From childhood to the present, Jiang Silu has fantasized countless times. One day Jiang Yi would open his mouth and say these three words to her.

    Whether it's wishful thinking or just wishful thinking, Jiang Silu has had many dreams about this matter.

    She looked up at Jiang Yi, her lips parted and closed, her eyes were full of tears, and she couldn't say a word.

    Jiang Yi stretched out his hand, wiped away her tears with his thumb, smiled and said to her, "I know... whether it was before or now, I have done many things that made you sad.

    " To stab you on

    purpose." "But Jiang Sishang, I love you from the bottom of my heart. I know I can't be considered a very good person, even a bit bad, maybe not outstanding, just a very ordinary person." "But even

    so , I still want to ask..."

    "Jiang Silu, are you willing to be my girlfriend?"

    She is willing, she has been willing since before, let alone now.

    Jiang Rulu threw herself into Jiang Yi's arms and hugged her tightly, her small and delicate chin was always on Jiang Yi's shoulder.

    It was autumn, and it was very cold in the mountains at four o'clock in the morning. Jiang Yi picked her up, put her legs around his waist, and carried her into the car: "If this is the case, the contract is void. , Your contract of employing me is also void."

    "Jiang Silu, from today onwards, I will be your girlfriend."

    Jiang Yi put Jiang Silu on the passenger seat, leaned over and kissed her and said, "Go , I’ll take you home.”

    Jiang Shuang stretched out his hand and grabbed her: “Wait a minute…”

    Jiang Yi lowered his eyes, looked at her with some puzzlement and said, “What’s wrong? The wind is so strong here, now If you don't go back, is it possible that you want me to watch the sunrise with you?"

    This is halfway up the mountain, and if you drive to the top of the mountain, you can see a beautiful sunrise.

    Jiang Silu shook her head: "No... I just want to confirm whether you really exist." She

    reached out, took Jiang Yi's hand and placed it on her chest, biting her lips and looking at her with wet eyes: "Please touch me...hug me...into me...through me...enrich me..."

    In the deep night wind, Jiang Rulu's voice sounded low, but it took away all Jiang Yi's attention. Qi and blood surged up, making Jiang Yi's face flushed with dryness.

    She watched Jiang Shuang unbutton the button, and suddenly lost her mind. She leaned over, stepped into the car, and slammed the door shut.

    Jiang Yi lowered his head, kissed Jiang Shuang, and put down the car seat: "How many times do you want to confirm?"

    Jiang Shuang trembled under her lips, and said with a sigh: "A thousand times, ten thousand times..."

    " Jiang Yi, mark me."

    The person you like makes such a request, and most people can't stand it. But Jiang Yi was very patient. She endured the temptation, sat on her lap with Jiang Silu in her arms, and replied impatiently: "Not yet...not yet..." "

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