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Short-lived Bai Yueguang only wants salted fish
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 93

    On the way home, Jiang Yi fainted all the way. But at least she was a trained person, so when she got home, she didn't fall asleep. Fearing that she would smell like alcohol, she still leaned on the wall while taking off her clothes and going into the bathroom.

    Jiang Ruling followed her, afraid that she would fall, he supported her nervously, and said with concern: "Be careful."

    Jiang Yi waved his hand and said that he was fine, and Jiang Ruling was afraid that she would fall in the bathroom, so he coaxed her and said, "Jiang Yi is fine." Yi, it's already so late, I won't take a shower today, go to bed first, okay?"

    Jiang Yi shook his head, squinted his eyes and smiled: "It's okay, I'm dirty, I'll smoke you." "

    I'm going to hug you tonight , so I can’t make you uncomfortable.”

    Jiang Yi said so, went into the bathroom, took off his clothes, turned on the faucet and began to take a bath.

    Jiang Silu couldn't hold back her, so he had to accompany her to wash in the bathroom. After finally washing Jiang Yi's hair, brushing her teeth, and soaking her in the bathtub, Jiang Rulu only washed her body.

    Jiang Yi was lying in the bathtub, looked up at Jiang Silu who was taking a shower not far away, and called her softly: "Jiang Rulu..."

    Jiang Ruyu tilted his head, revealing that he was wet and beautiful Looking at her with a puzzled face: "What's the matter?"

    Jiang Yi looked at her straight, showing an illusory smile: "Thank you..."

    Jiang Shuang knew what she was talking about, and turned his head to smile at her After a while, he said, "You're welcome."

    After the two of them washed up in the bathroom, Jiang Rulu helped the dizzy Jiang Yi back to the bedroom, pressed her on the bed, and dried her hair.

    Probably because he was drunk, Jiang Yi's behavior looked very childish. After Jiang Ruxun dried her hair, she fell on the bed with a whimper, rolled around on the bed with the quilt in her arms, and was as happy as a puppy: "I'm so happy..." "Jiang

    Sixun , I am so happy!"

    Standing by the bed, Jiang Rulu was drying her hair. Looking at Jiang Yi, who was drunk on the big bed, she smiled softly: "I know you are happy, so lie down quickly, and you will faint if you roll again.

    " With a groan, she hugged the quilt and rolled around on the bed, then lay down on the bed and looked at Jiang Silu.

    She was smoked by the warm water vapor for a while, and her head became more dizzy. The alcohol has been completely dissipated, and the blood is flowing in every part of Jiang Yi's body, making her confused.

    Jiang Yi stretched out his hand and dragged his chin, looked up at the slim woman in a silky nightgown beside the bed, tilted his head, blinked, and shouted again: "Jiang Silu..."

    Jiang Ruxi raised her eyes, Fiddled with his long hair on the side, looked down at her, and asked with a smile: "What's the matter?"

    Jiang Yi looked at her blankly, and said after a while: "Why are you so good?

    " Li was startled for a moment, put down the hair dryer, sat down on the edge of the bed,

    stretched out his hand to caress Jiang Yi 's cheek, and asked her with a smile, "How am I?" Looking at her eyes, he said: "You are good everywhere."

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