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Short-lived Bai Yueguang only wants salted fish
set up
turn off the lights

Chapter 46

    Even if Jiang Yi is reluctant, but for her and others' sake, she still has to suspend school and stay at home. The doctor told Jiang Qionghua to make preparations for Jiang Yi to study at home for the past few years. After Jiang Qionghua heard this, he quickly hired a tutor for Jiang Yi.

    When Jiang Yi heard this, he didn't even want to go to school!

    The world is too hard, and she has to study even when she is sick. What level of devil are her parents?

    In addition, the glass room at home has not been remodeled, so Jiang Yi can only live in the hospital now. Jiang Yi began to feel that it was a bad thing not to go to school at the school age.

    The day after Jiang Qionghua completed the suspension procedures for her, her friends came to see her in a team with their schoolbags. The person who brought this group of alphas over was Jiang Silu.

    That evening, Jiang Yi was idle and bored, so he did sit-ups on the floor of the ward. Just finished, the doorbell rang. Jiang Yi thought it was the nurse sister who came over, so she immediately jumped up from the ground and ran to the door to open it.

    As soon as she opened the door, she was stunned when she saw Jiang Rushen standing in front of her wearing a horn button coat and carrying her schoolbag in front of her.

    Seeing that she was wearing a hospital gown, her face was flushed and her clothes were disheveled, Jiang Shuang was also taken aback. But she quickly came to her senses and said to Jiang Yi: "Jiang Yi, your friends said they had already agreed with you to come and see you, so I brought them here." Jiang Yi responded: "Thank

    you Come in quickly."

    Behind Jiang Silu, the small squad leader stood neatly. When Jiang Yi's room door opened, the four alphas behind Jiang Silu all took a step back.

    The tallest Zhang Tiantian reacted the most. She took two steps back suddenly, frowned and said uncomfortably: "Jiang Yi, you are so scary."     Jiang

    Yi looked puzzled: "Why am I scary?"

Explanation: "Your pheromone is too strong, we can't stand it, you go in quickly."

    "Let's go in first!"

    Jiang Yi thought about it, and immediately greeted them to enter the door, and then closed the door with a slamming sound.

    There is an air filter in the room, which is constantly sucking away Jiang Yi's pheromones, which is better than when he was in close contact with Jiang Yi just now. Even so, the squad leader and others stood by the door together, keeping a certain distance from Jiang Yi.

    Jiang Yi was very speechless: "Is it that serious?"

    The small squad leader was very helpless: "We don't want to, but your pheromone smell is too strong. To us, your smell is like a plateau snow mountain. It makes people hypoxic."

    Jiang Yi was a little disgusted: "What kind of strange description are these?"

    Jin Duolai smiled shyly: "It means you are too fragrant. We are the same gender, if we haven't adapted to each other's pheromones Physiologically, I will be somewhat uncomfortable."

    Jiang Yi was also a little helpless: "I don't want to either. Forget it, I'll stay away from you."

    Jiang Yi said, and was about to go into the glass room.

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