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I've watched them, for so long now.

I've seen everything they have, been to every party they've been to, done everything they have. I've seen all the useless things they buy and the ugly guys they've dated. The outfits they wear, the shops they go to, the restaurants they eat at and the bars they drink and later fuck in.

Yet somehow I can't get close to them. I mean, I wouldn't want to get close to most of them. Their arrogance radiates from everything they post and talk about.

Kim Minnie being the worst one.

25, owns three businesses already and is a personal trainer. Steals people's boyfriends. Steals people's work. She preaches about being kind and all that bullshit but she gives everyone she sees dirty looks. Her thai family is rather important, not to mention filthy rich, so obviously she was raised to be the way she is: arrogant, stubborn, stuck-up, selfish.

I would know.

Then there's Cho Miyeon. She's not like Minnie, maybe a little better, but I hate her too. She's obnoxious. She's annoying. I can't imagine what it must be like to actually know her in real life and listen to her voice all the time or put up with all her whining. Her Instagram lives tell me everything I need to know about her. She's a bit of a pick-me girl.

Yeh Shuhua. I don't really know what to say about her other than the fact that she has a really big ego. But she's a little different. She only posts like, three times a month, and is an activist. Preaches about women's rights and gay rights and all that stuff. No wonder people love her. She seems a little too aggressive though, and very, very careless.

Needless to say, they're all shitty people. Except for one.

Song Yuqi.

Who wouldn't want to be like her?

With her long, wavy blonde hair and the constant pleading look on her puppy dog eyes, eyes that shine into a sweet auburn color when the sun hits them. A perfect smile and a perfect body and pretty hands and an attractive deep voice.

She isn't like the others. She's not selfish or arrogant or obnoxious or aggressive. She doesn't give people dirty looks and doesn't seem to be careless. She doesn't whine all the time and she doesn't steal people's boyfriends. She's nice. She's a good person.

She's the only one I want.

The only one I'll get.

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