chapter ten.

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I wake up calmly today, firstly because I turned my alarm off last night, and secondly because I feel like I've slept a little too well.

Soyeon is still sleeping in my arms. I gently peek over her and she's hugging one of my plushies. My favorite one. The sight makes me smile, but I lay back down a bit too hard. She doesn't wake up though, so I wrap my arms around her again and pull her closer to me.

The dogs are asleep here aswell. I can remember Haku whining in his sleep at night, and Soyeon calmed him down again, just like she did the first time we met. Now he's sleeping with his head rested against Soyeon's leg. Mata's asleep at our feet. The house is awfully quiet.

I can't even count how many times I've wanted to kiss Soyeon last night. She's just so cute and so fun to be around and I couldn't get enough of her and the way she comforted me. Sure, her words did scare me a little, but I found comfort in them, just like I've found comfort in her and everything else she's said to me.

Dinner with Jihyun wasn't awkward at all. She talked to Soyeon and complimented her and she made us pizza. No veggies.

Then we came back to the room and cuddled some more and got bored of the movie we were watching and talked. Soyeon told me she's been on a survival show when she was younger, Unpretty Rapstar, but that was before I came to Korea so I literally had no idea that it even existed.

I forced her to show me all the episodes. She was shy at first, but then just stayed silent while I squealed and freaked out at how talented she is and how cute she was back then.

And then we cuddled more and fell asleep.

Now I'm spooning Soyeon and I really want to wake her up because I feel like it's late but I feel bad at the same time. I press myself closer against her, and I can feel her move a little. Haku immediately jolts up.

Soyeon grabs my wrist and moves it away from her waist as she turns over to face me. I place it back where it was. She smiles.

"Hi." I say. Haku lays down in the small space between us.

"Hi." She says. She's so cute that I can't help but smile either. Soyeon pulls Haku closer to herself and buries her face in his fur. I can only see her eyes, and the smile in them, when we make eye contact again.

"Do you wanna stay a little longer?" I ask suddenly. "I mean, like, spend the day. If you don't have anywhere to be."

Soyeon regards me for a bit. "But Jihyun."

"What about her?"

She shrugs. "I don't know. She's really nice. I'd just feel comfier if it was just us."

I try to hold back my smile, because it sort of makes me happy that Soyeon wants us to be alone.

"Oh, right," I say. "I get it. But do you have anywhere to be?"

"Not until, like, one or something," Soyeon says. "I can stay with you."

I smile. Soyeon smiles too, then buries her face in Haku's fur again.

"He smells really good," She mutters. "You wash him well."

I chuckle at her soft tone. "Don't you think he smells like you by now?"

Soyeon shrugs. "Maybe."

I stare at them together for a little while, until I feel like we're both about to fall asleep again.

"Come on," I say, snapping out of it. "Let's get up."

Soyeon holds Haku tighter. "No."


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