chapter five.

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I'm woken up by frantic shaking instead of my alarm today. It could be because I slept a little too well last night, but I can't exactly process what's going on until I focus on Jihyun's eyes. She looks down at me as I fully open my eyes and steps away.

"Your phone has been bursting with notifications ever since I got up and probably hasn't stopped all night," She says. "You left it in the kitchen. Good morning, by the way."

I can't even begin to talk when I'm suddenly reminded of what was happening during the time I talked to Soyeon: Miyeon and Shuhua arguing. And today I'll inevitably have to deal with that, even though it's the last thing I want.

"Shit." Is all I can say. Jihyun purses her lips.

Mata climbs up on my bed and walks up to me to lick my face. I let her do so until I hear my ringtone from downstairs and jolt out of bed, running downstairs followed by the dogs. My phone is indeed at the table we ate dinner last night, and I rush to see who it is.


Of course.

I hesitate before sliding the button to the right, answering her call. "I just woke up."

"Where the fuck were you last night?!" She yells.

"Home. Sleeping," I say calmly. "I was tired."

"You left work early and you were tired. Okay," She says. "Come to 'I Feel' right fucking now. We need to talk. And answer your fucking texts for once." She sounds like she's about to cry after that last sentence. I hang up and sigh.

I hate this so much.

First of all, why is she at the shop so early? She should've been at home, upset or angry, but not at work. And secondly, why is she mad at me of all people? It's not like it's my fault she went and made out with Minnie while knowing full well how much Miyeon adores her.

But I should probably listen to her, just to save myself the trouble.

"I can't eat today," I mutter as Jihyun comes downstairs. "I need to get to work since I'm leaving early again."

She seems to believe me, which is good. I don't want to make her worry. She already worries enough because of the fact that Shuhua is still in my life and I haven't cut her off yet. I can't blame her.

"Are you sure?" She asks.

"Yeah. I'll, uh, buy myself something on the way."

With that, I grab my phone and go upstairs to get ready. I don't know how things will go today, if I'll be able to come home to change, so I make sure to pick out an outfit suitable for 'I Feel' and meeting Soyeon aswell.

I don't do my makeup like Soyeon though, just in case Shuhua points anything out. Haku and Mata come into my room and sit by the door, watching me. Haku barks at me. So does Mata after a little bit.

They bark again, so I quickly finish my makeup and sit on the floor to pet them. I lean into Haku a little to see if he still smells like Soyeon, but I'm disappointed to see that he doesn't. I love the way she smells already, and I want to breathe it in as much as I possibly can.

This is weird. This is embarrassing.

I get back up on my feet, grab my purse and phone and go downstairs with Haku and Mata. My phone is already buzzing with more notifications, so I quickly put my shoes on.

"Bye!" I yell at Jihyun, having no idea where she is, and leave the house after waving to the dogs.

I walk as quickly as I possibly can, obviously not stopping anywhere to get something to eat.

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