chapter nineteen.

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I feel even worse now. Minnie's presence is bothering me and so is the realisation I have just come to, but it makes sense. Something has to have happened between them recently, although Soyeon has seemed perfectly fine.

I park in the driveway of my house and we both step out.

"This is your house?" Minnie asks, genuinely surprised.

"Yeah...?" I say.

"Why the fuck would you wanna sell this?!"

I am really not in the mood to give her any explanations whatsoever, so I just motion for her to follow me as I take the keys out of my purse.

"Yuqi." She says.


"I asked you something."

"Why should I explain myself to you?" I say as we both go inside. Minnie inhales sharply.

"Smells nice in here."

"Come on." I say, ignoring what she just said and leading her upstairs. I have to agree that the house smells nice, and I may or may not have missed it after not being here for a bit.

I can feel Minnie's eyes on me the entire way up the stairs, and needless to say, I don't enjoy it.

"Stop staring." I say once we're heading to my room.

"I wasn't." She says. She's probably lying, but there's also a chance I'm just paranoid while being around her. Nevertheless, I lead her to my room and she looks around, her eyes scanning the place.

Mine do the same. The bedsheets are still messy from when Soyeon and I were last here, and I can only hope Minnie won't do anything weird like sniffing the sheets on the side Soyeon slept on. It would be concerning.

I hear her inhale sharply again. Instead of sniffing the sheets, she sniffs the air.

"What the fuck are you smelling?" I ask, trying to deflect. Don't go near the bed. Don't go near the bed. Don't go near the bed.

"What's your problem? The place just smells nice," Minnie says. "And familiar."


She sits on my bed. She rubs her hands on the sheets and looks at them, but she doesn't sniff.

I sigh of relief and open my closet. I take out the two suitcases I have and all of my backpacks. "Go on. Get to work."

Minnie furrows her brows. "You have too much stuff."

"Start fucking packing," I say. I throw my backpacks on the bed. "Don't even worry about folding them. Just place them in a way that they'll sit well."

I can tell she isn't hyped about having to do so much, but neither am I. So after staring at all my things for a little longer, we both start to pack.

.   .   .

I hate Minnie so much.

She kept looking at the bedsheets and she even had the audacity to lay down for a bit. Coincidentally, she laid down on Soyeon's side.

I have to admit, she did really help me pack. I think she can actually do stuff pretty fast if she focuses. I wouldn't have been able to pack two suitcases and four backpacks so fast. Minnie also told me to throw out all my bedsheets and I listened to her. Maybe I shouldn't have.

Currently all of my stuff is sitting in the trunk of my car. I stuffed the backpacks in there and they barely fit, but I managed.

Now I'm back at the shop since I didn't want to leave Shuhua alone, and I had nothing better to do. We're both desperately waiting to leave. We did some more of the happy spinning when I got back, but now she seems tired and I can tell she can't wait for this to be over. I check the time on my phone.

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