chapter thirteen.

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The sound of my alarm wakes us up. I really wish we could sleep more. Soyeon and I need it.

She doesn't pull away from me at first which leads me to believe that maybe she didn't even hear it and is still asleep. But then Soyeon pulls me closer.

"Turn it off." She mumbles. She's so cute.

"I can't." I reply. She chuckles. The alarm stops ringing. I realize I haven't even opened my eyes yet, and when I do, I'm hit with a sting near the lower part of them. As expected.

I close my eyes again because I'm currently unable to bear the pain they're making me feel and I breathe in Soyeon's nice scent. I get the urge to kiss her neck in which I'm nuzzled, but I can't. It really wouldn't be the right time. Plus, she kissed my forehead last night before we fell asleep. That should be enough for me.

Soyeon pulls away from me and stretches, making me open my eyes. I feel cold without her hugging me, and I think the same thing that made her feel cold yesterday is happening to me aswell.

"Don't your eyes hurt?" I ask.

"They do," She says. Then she yawns. It comes out like a puppy yawn, which immediately makes me giggle. Soyeon laughs aswell. "Sorry. It wasn't meant to sound like that."

"It's fine. It was cute." I say. We stare at each other for a little bit. Soyeon's eyes still look cute, despite not being well-rested as they usually are when she wakes up. They're tired. A little puffy. I don't even want to begin to imagine how mine look.

"Are you feeling better?" Soyeon asks. "From last night?"

"I am," I say. "Are you?"

She nods. "Well, I don't wanna dwell on it too much. Shit happens."

Shit happens?


Shit happens?

I genuinely can't believe what I'm hearing come out of her mouth after everything Soyeon said to me and how much she cried and how much my words hurt her.

But I guess I'm trying not to dwell on it too much either, especially since she basically ignored me trying to tell her I'm in love with her, in a rather indirect way. She definitely sees it though. She sees it in my eyes. Maybe she just isn't ready.

It doesn't make sense though. How could she not be ready? Soyeon even said it herself that she's admired me for a while. And if I'm ready to love her and give her my all after only knowing her for a little over a week, then she should be ready to do the same.

"Shit happens." I say.

"I just remembered," Soyeon says. "We're invited to Minnie's party on Saturday."

"Do you want to go or not?"

She looks away for a bit, then looks back at me. "I think Minnie would be upset if I didn't come."

"Since when do you care about Minnie being upset?"

"Doesn't matter. We should go."

I stare at her.

"Don't," Soyeon says. "Don't start with all of that now. We just woke up, wait a little."

"I'm not starting anything," I reply. "It just sounds weird. You not wanting Minnie to be upset."

"You do know what Minnie can do to someone if she were to not like them all of a sudden."

"I do. But Minnie likes you a lot. Not to mention the fact that she literally mimics your every move, uses the same exact perfume as you and sometimes looks like you."

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