chapter eleven.

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I wipe at my cheek once I'm at the entrance of 'I Feel'. I quickly glance at my reflection on the glass windows to see if the mark Soyeon's lips left on me is gone. It is, my cheek is just red now.

Shuhua is leaning on the counter, seemingly sleeping again. It tugs at my heartstrings a little whenever I see her like this. Then I remember that Shuhua does not care about me anymore.

I toss my purse on a chair and she jolts awake.

"Oh." She says.


"Nothing. I didn't expect you to show up today." Shuhua replies. "Why did you show up, anyway?"

"Because I work here, maybe," I say flatly. "Why are you still so pissed?"

"I'm upset, Yuqi. Am I not allowed to be upset?"

I walk away from her. I can't stand this any longer.

I tend to a few customers as they walk in, and then see a tall figure walk in behind them. Minnie.

She's dressed far more casually than I'm used to seeing her, just in a tank top and shorts. Her thighs are pretty. Her thighs are like Soyeon's.

It feels like with every day that passes, I start noticing more similarities between the two.

"Hey, Yuqi." She says. I flinch.

"Hey." I say. Minnie runs a hand along my shoulders as she walks past, sending a chill through me.

I glance at her, and I'm surprised to see her walk up to Shuhua. I watch as Minnie grabs her arm and says something to her that makes Shuhua look absolutely terrified. Probably a threat to get fired. Only that can terrify her so much.

Minnie walks back to me, with my purse in her hands.

"Have lunch with me." She says flatly. An order. It's definitely an order.

"But Shuhua..." I say quietly. Minnie grabs my wrist.

"Do you think I care about what Shuhua has to say?" She asks, then hands me my purse. "Come on. She can go fuck herself."

I grab Minnie's hand. Mine feels small in hers.

I walk with her to a nice restaurant near the residences Soyeon lives in. Weird. I don't point out anything to Minnie though. I'm a bit scared to do so.

She lets go of my hand once we're inside and take a seat in a booth in the corner of the restaurant. I didn't expect her to, but she sits next to me instead of in front of me.

I can smell Minnie's perfume. Sweet. Strong.

Oh fuck no.


It's Soyeon's perfume.

I sigh heavily. This is fucking unreal.

Minnie sighs aswell.

"Why did you bring me here?" I ask.

"Because... I wanna talk to you," She says. "Miyeon hates you now. Really bad."

"I can imagine." I say flatly.

"She said you're a desperate, lonely bitch who has nothing to do with her life," Minnie continues. "I yelled at her for that."

This makes me look at her. I turn my head and meet her eyes. Minnie smiles.

"She got a good fuck afterwards." She says quietly. I burst into laughter and instinctively lean onto her, then jolt back up as soon as I realize.

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