chapter nine.

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My alarm wakes me up. Back to routine.

It's Monday, meaning today marks a week since I started working at 'I Feel'. I wasn't exactly optimistic about it since the start, but I wouldn't have imagined that one week from then, I'd be terrified to even walk in there.

I'm absolutely dreading the thought of having to work and having to see Shuhua and maybe Minnie aswell. I don't wanna be there all day. I can't do it.

Shuhua still hasn't texted or called to check up on me. I should stop expecting something from her, but the disappointment is still there. Why was she being nice to me, then? What's the point in that if she's going to be like this now?

I sigh and get out of bed with Haku and Mata at my feet. They wag their tails, so I pet them for a bit before stretching and going downstairs.

"Good morning," Jihyun says. "Did you sleep well?"

"I did." I reply. I actually slept really well thinking about the fact that Soyeon told me she loves me.

"Well, I'm not surprised," She says as we take our seats. "I do think it's a bit too soon to say you love each other, but—"

"It's the thought that counts." I interrupt. We both giggle at that.

"Anyway. You should invite her over here one of these days," She says. "I'm leaving next week, so..."

"Yep. No need to remind me."

"Why don't you invite her today?"

I perk up at that. "What about work tomorrow?"

Jihyun scoffs. "Just take a day off."

I smile. "Okay. I'll tell her."

"What about Shuhua?" She asks after a bit of silence. "Has she called or texted or... anything?"

I shake my head. "Nope. Nothing."

"Do you think she'll show up at work?"

"She was there yesterday aswell. Of course she'll show up," I reply, then lower my voice. "She wants Minnie's attention still."

"Cut her off, Yuqi. You don't need her. You never have."

I look up, considering Jihyun's words.

"I have no one. I know she doesn't exactly care about me anymore, but what will I do when you leave?"

"You have Soyeon." She shrugs. "She makes you happy. She should be enough."

"Well you don't know that," I reply. "I don't even know how long she'll stick around either. My only choice will be to go back to China if things go to shit again."

"No. Don't say that." Jihyun says sternly.

"It's true. At least I'll have family there. And friends." I shrug.

"You won't be alone, Yuqi. Trust me."

"I've had enough of this. I need to go."

Jihyun smiles sadly at me. I finish my food quickly and go up to my room to call Soyeon. Unannounced. But to my surprise, she picks up immediately.

"Hey," I say. "Did I wake you up?"

"Maybe," She replies. "What is it?"

"Do you wanna come over to my house tonight?"

"Sure." Soyeon says.

"I'll get off work one hour early today."

"Okay. I'll drop off Haru then I'll be there."

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