chapter seven.

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I'm blinded by the sunlight falling straight into my eyes as I'm awoken by my alarm. I forgot to turn it off last night, which isn't a surprise.

Soyeon is now turned to the other side, hugging her plushies, and I'm spooning her. I don't really remember moving at night, but this is fun. Again, she fits perfectly against me and spooning her feels even better than I imagined. She's so small.

I feel her stretch. "Can you turn that thing off? It's Saturday."

I smile and roll over to turn the alarm off. I wrap my arms around Soyeon again and move closer to her. As I breathe in the scent of her hair, I think about what I fell asleep to yesterday.

It's stupid. I can imagine even saying it out loud at this point will sound terribly stupid.

I have only known Soyeon for five days, yet here we are cuddling and she's already making me feel like I'm in love with her. It's all happening too fast for me to even be able to process it.

Or, maybe I'm just not used to this. I knew from the start that there was something about her, something addictive. The moment she talked to me at 'I Feel' that night, I was immediately intrigued and I knew I'd find her.

And I haven't even thought about the fact that Soyeon most likely knew she'd find me too.

I never asked her how she knew everything about the situation with Shuhua. Only a small fraction of it was shown online. It was way deeper than it seemed, yet if I asked Soyeon to tell me about it, I know she wouldn't leave out a single detail.

It feels a little unfair to be honest. I want to know her that well too. I don't even know when her birthday is or what year she was born.

I sigh deeply. I realize my palms are sweating and I've been clutching Soyeon's shirt as I thought about all of that, so I let go.


I flinch.

"Sorry," I say. "I tend to do that sometimes. Even to my own clothes."

Soyeon places her hand on the spot I was holding. "Your hands sure sweat a lot."

"I know. I'm sorry. This is embarrassing, I'm just kinda... not used to this."

Soyeon stays silent for a bit. "Have you ever dated anyone, Yuqi?"

I scoff. "What do you think?"

"How are you telling me you're not used to cuddling?"

"I've never cuddled a girl before," I mutter. "Not even Shuhua."

Soyeon doesn't say anything. I'm starting to get a feeling she doesn't like me bringing her up, considering the way she immediately responded when I told her Shuhua basically said I don't care about her anymore.

"Are you jealous?" I ask, but wish I could take that back.

"Of what?"


"Tell me."


She doesn't insist, and I'm happy about that. We stay in silence for a little longer, then Soyeon sighs.

"You're really weird sometimes." She says.

"You too." I reply.

"We should get up."

"Not yet," I say. "Can you turn over?"

"No." Soyeon says flatly.

"Please. I can't stay like this for much longer."

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