chapter fifteen.

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I get home at about 7 p.m, and once I realize that Jihyun isn't downstairs, I immediately call Soyeon. She doesn't pick up.

I quickly pet the dogs and run upstairs while calling her again. She doesn't pick up this time either. I text her.

fucking pick up

Soyeon sees my message almost as soon as I send it, and before I know it, she's calling me. I set my phone on my vanity so it shows the ceiling when I pick up. I'm met with her ceiling on my screen aswell.

"Sorry," She says. "I just thought it was too early to start getting ready so I wasn't picking up."

"It's not too early. It's just the right time," I say. "We should be at the party once there's already other people there."

Soyeon yawns. I stifle a laugh.

I start walking to my closet to pick out a dress, something I probably should have done earlier, while thinking about when to ask Soyeon about her sister and why she never told me. A wave of the sickening "I know nothing about her" feeling hits me suddenly. I breathe deeply to make it go away.

"So, Shuhua's being nice again," I start. "Too nice this time."

"Wait," She mumbles. "Okay. Continue."

"What was that about?"

"I couldn't take my dress off the hanger," Soyeon says. "Anyway. I'm dreading having to meet her tonight."

"Actually, she seems to like you. She found your account." I say.

"Oh," Soyeon says. I grab a black dress and lay it out on my bed. I walk over to my vanity and look at the screen. Still her ceiling. "Why would she be so interested in me?"

"Well, Shuhua is Shuhua. She likes stalking people a lot."

I see a bit of her dark hair on the screen.

"She's quitting soon." I add.

"Good for her." Soyeon says. I don't know what she's doing, but she leans in even more and now I can see her hand placed over her shoulder. For a second I think she's going to flash me.

"Get dressed." I say.

"I am dressed. I just don't want you to see it yet."

I smile. She's adorable.

"When were you gonna tell me you had a sister?" I blurt out, then start doing my makeup as if my hands aren't trembling at the thought of asking Soyeon something about her life. She disappears from the screen.

"I don't know. Whenever it would be brought up," She says casually. "Why? Did Shuhua find her too?"

"Yeah, um... I mean, she told me to ask you or Minnie for a job once she quits and I told her neither of you can get me a job," I say nervously. "Then Shuhua said that she found your sister's account and that she could help me get into baking and open a shop."

Soyeon sighs. "She's so... Would Shuhua herself do that? Like reach out to people she doesn't know?"

"I don't think so."

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