chapter fourteen.

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The sound of my alarm wakes me up. I don't even know why I set an alarm today. It's Saturday.

Maybe because Soyeon hasn't talked to me in almost three days, and I'm not at her house waking up calmly in her arms.

Soyeon didn't tell me why she was so upset that night. We only slept and cuddled. The morning after, I remember wiping away her slightly smudged lipstick because we fell asleep with makeup on. She looked into my eyes during the entirety of those short moments and then she smiled at me. A sweet smile that was enough to make me melt and make me blush right in front of her. I didn't try to hide it, there was no point. Soyeon just giggled and told me I looked cute.

"Will you tell me what happened now?" I asked her then. She turned away from me and sighed.

"You should leave. I have a busy day." She said. So we ate. She had washed my clothes and gave them back to me to wear for the day. She also did my makeup for me before telling me to leave again.

And I have not spoken to Soyeon since.

I should call her.

I grab my phone and turn my alarm off before dialling her number. I don't expect her to pick up, but surprisingly, she does so after only a few rings.

"When will you learn to call at a reasonable hour?" Soyeon says softly, making me giggle.

"It is a reasonable hour. It's 10 a.m." I say.

"Too early."

I chuckle. "Anyway. I miss you. Where have you been?"

"I've been busy and I've been tired," Soyeon says. "I'm sorry."

She says that last part so softly and so cutely in a way that makes my desire to be there with her grow even bigger.

"Don't apologize," I say. "After the party we'll both go back to your house. And cuddle."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because Jihyun's like... you know."


"Um, I'm still coming to your house," I say. "You can come over tomorrow."

"Okay," She says. "Since you miss me so much we can also get ready on call together, if you want."

I smile. "Of course. What are you gonna wear?"

"I'm not telling you. You'll see when we meet."

"Okay. I'm not telling you either then."

"Anyway, I should go," Soyeon says. "The party starts at eight, so come pick me up whenever you feel like it."

"If you say so," I say. "Wait. Who told—"

Soyeon hangs up.

Of course she did, because how dare I ask her where she gets all her information and the stuff she knows about everything? Very sensitive topics. Hell, even I was never told what time the party started.

Haku and Mata push open the door to my room and climb on my bed. I feel bad for them. What will they think when Jihyun leaves? She's been here for most of their lives, and now she just leaves?

I hear footsteps on the top floor, which means I can leave my room. It sounds really stupid to be avoiding my own housekeeper right before she leaves, but to me she was more like a best friend. And what else do I do when I argue with a best friend besides avoiding them?

I've barely left my room these days, and the snacks I put in here to ensure I didn't need to go get anything are running out. Plus, I need to eat actual food, not just chips and candy and water.

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