chapter sixteen.

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I wake up greeted by a headache. Not that bad, but it's still really annoying and especially now in the morning.

Oh. It's Sunday.

Jihyun is leaving tonight, and I have been a bitch to her these past few days. How wonderful. It would seem really bad and embarrassing to hug her goodbye while crying tonight after everything.

And I was at Minnie's party last night, with Soyeon, and we drank whiskey and got drunk and Jihyun took us to Soyeon's house.

I try to remember every detail of last night, even though I know they won't all just flow in immediately. But all that pops up in my head right now are the last few moments before we fell asleep and, of course, what the party consisted of. On a surface level.

I remember that Soyeon and I had trouble falling asleep. We both tossed and turned constantly and got up to go to the bathroom and drink water and she'd ask me to wait by the bathroom door for her because she was "scared" and I asked the same from her. Then after the last time of getting up to pee and drink water again, I spooned her and I don't know what we were talking about, but I do remember talking to her. And then I kissed the center of Soyeon's lotus tattoo. With that, we both fell asleep. I think she made a noise when I kissed it.

I wish I could've been a bit more sober when I did that. I mean, by then, the effects of the whiskey obviously weren't as strong. But if I was sober, I would've remembered the feeling of her skin against my lips. And now I don't.

I realize I'm facing the door to her room and there's no contact between us. So, I gently turn over to face Soyeon, and I smile at her. She's still sleeping soundly and somehow her smokey eye makeup has stayed intact. And she's still in that black dress. So am I. In all of the hours we stayed awake fussing, never once did we think about getting changed into something comfy.

I stare at Soyeon. Something about last night is nagging at me, like something I should be able to remember happened, but nothing is coming to me right now. So, I just keep staring at her as she sleeps.

Oh. I remember now. She licked my finger and smiled at me. I did the same.

I sigh of relief, but the feeling is gone once I also remember not agreeing to take Shuhua home. Now she's probably going to be mad at me and act like a bitch again. Nevertheless, I should still apologize to her, at the very least.

Soyeon moves a little, so I take this as my chance to move closer to her. I gently wrap my arms around her and rest my chin on the top of her head. She doesn't smell too much like alcohol, which is nice. Just goes to show how strong her perfume is, anyway.

The cuddles don't last too long though. I feel her stretch her arms out, so I let go to give her space. I smile at her as she opens her eyes.

"Hi." I say.

"Hi." She mutters and gives me a faint smile.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"I guess so," Soyeon says, then purses her lips for a moment. "Apart from the fact that I don't think I've ever embarrassed myself as much as I did last night."

"Oh, come on."

"No. I did. You can't deny it."

"Fine then. I did too," I say. "At least it's the first Minnie party you embarrass yourself in. It's the second time for me."

"You haven't embarrassed yourself, you've just been drunk and angry," Soyeon insists, making me giggle at her explanations. "That's not considered too embarrassing."

"Well it makes me feel bad. Like, I shouldn't have done the things I remember doing," I reply, then my tone softens. "I should probably call Shuhua and apologize for refusing to take her home."

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