chapter three.

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I stare at the time on my phone, my leg jiggling as I wait for it to just be 8 p.m. I've been waiting all day to get off work and do what I need to.

Shuhua came into work at around 5 p.m. and she didn't even look in my direction, let alone talk to me. I wonder where she was all those eight other hours she should've been at 'I Feel'. Maybe just making out with Minnie again, or being her little pet.

I can't even begin to imagine, but whatever it is she was up to, I hate it and I am indescribably mad at her.

Which is why I need to talk to Soyeon.

After that little encounter today, it's clear she's taken a particular liking to me, and I find her interesting aswell, so why not put these feelings to use? Maybe she'll be my only hope if everyone leaves again, judging by how things have been going lately.

I chuckle wryly at that thought, then realize it's a minute past eight. I need to leave. I'm gonna talk to Soyeon.

The thought hits me with a sudden burst of excitement. I am gonna talk to Soyeon. Soyeon. Soyeon with the perfect face and perfect body and cute name and cute butterfly clips and a pretty tattoo on her pretty back.

I grab my purse, shaking from all the excitement, bid the other employees except from Shuhua good night and run out of the shop. She doesn't even look at me as she steps out too and walks right past me.

"Good night, Yuqi." She says flatly. I simply watch her walking with fast steps in the opposite direction of her house. She's going to Minnie, most likely. As upset as that makes me, I try not to think about it as I make my way home. I shouldn't stress myself out any more than I already have.

But I can't help it. All the things they could be doing together and for whatever purpose run around my head and it hurts. Because I thought I knew Shuhua well, but turns out she'll even cling on to people she claims to hate if it means being adored by them.

I stand outside my house for a moment before ringing the doorbell, which immediately makes the dogs start barking. Jihyun opens the door with a smile.

"Hey." I say.

"Hi," She replies, taking my jacket as I slip it off my shoulders. "How was your day?"

I think about that for a moment. "At 'I Feel'? Better. In general, it wasn't the best, but it helped me realize I need to do something."

She stares at me.

"Which, um, I'd better go finish up." I add. Jihyun looks at me as I sit on the floor and pet Haku and Mata after taking my shoes off. They both lay down and show me their bellies, which is a sign they've missed me.

"Don't do anything stupid." Jihyun says. I shrug.

"I don't think it's stupid." I reply.

"Whatever you say," She says, walking away. "I just don't want you getting hurt again."

I grab my purse from the floor and stand up to go to my room, but pause for a moment. "I won't. I don't think so."


"Thank you though." I conclude and run upstairs with Haku and Mata behind me. I let them inside my room and close the door. I get changed quickly, then sit on the edge of my bed.

I think about what I'm about to do for a moment. I mean, I've been thinking about it all day and mustering up my courage, but now doubt seeps into my mind again.

My hands move before my mind can tell me to step away though, and now I'm on Instagram and then on her account and then I've just sent her the text.

we need to meet up

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