chapter two.

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I ring the doorbell to my house. The dogs start barking, and then Jihyun opens the door.

"Hey," She says, taking my jacket as I walk in. "How did it go?"

I swallow, trying not to cry. "It went really well."

"Well, I'm glad," Jihyun says. "Dinner's almost ready. You can go upstairs and get changed and stuff."

"Yeah, thanks." I mutter. Once she turns her back and continues to cook, I run upstairs with Haku and Mata behind me. I let them inside my room before closing the door and leaning against it.

I hate this. I hate all of it. I hate this job, I hate 'I Feel', I hate Minnie, I hate Shuhua, I hate the other workers and I hate myself for being like a puppy to Shuhua and following her around.

I didn't even need to get this job. I'm still well-respected on social media. I get paid much better by companies to promote their shit than Minnie will ever pay me here. I had a life.

I wonder what Soyeon does for a living. She's so smart, and she seems so understanding and such an interesting person. She probably does something interesting aswell. Something she loves and enjoys.

Haku and Mata both start licking my teary cheeks as I sit on my bed. They're so pure. So adorable. I wonder if Soyeon likes dogs.

I should probably wonder why the fuck I'm thinking about her so much. I don't even know her.

But clearly she knows me. She knows me very well.

I try not to let that thought scare me and grab my phone from my purse and open Instagram. I have to find her. I need to.

I ignore all the recent posts from people whose faces I'd rather not see right now and just type her name into the search bar. It doesn't take much scrolling to find her.

Her profile is, well, simple. I should follow her. Or not. But I should. I press the follow button before I can think much longer and start scrolling through her account.

Well, Soyeon has friends. Soyeon goes to different cafès and she likes dogs because there's multiple photos of her holding a small brown poodle. It's probably hers. I wonder what it's name is. Maybe Yeonnie.

That's a terrible for a baby brown poodle.

She's very pretty. Her side profile is perfect. Her smile is so bright. Her body is absolutely gorgeous. And she has a tattoo of a lotus on the left side of her back. And her back is pretty too. She shows it a lot.

Soyeon sometimes wears hair extensions, but I think I like her short hair more. I feel like it's a little more Soyeon.

Soyeon has photos of herself and some young guys in a studio. What does she do in there? Soyeon's room is also really cute and comfy.

Soyeon seems happy.

I feel my eyes fill with tears just as I get the notification that she's followed me back. She's probably confused right now. Maybe she's wondering how I found her so easily and why I followed her right after I went home. Does she think I'm creepy? Is she telling her friend about me?

I decide to send her a message, mostly to stop myself from overthinking so much.

hey i know this seems really weird and i'm sorry
you're just an interesting person
and i found myself thinking about your words a lot
so you know

I wait for her to reply, but she doesn't. She doesn't even open my messages although I know she has her phone in her hands because she just followed me back.

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