chapter twenty-three.

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I scrunch my nose at the smell of dog shit as soon as I wake up.

Soyeon has pulled away from me, but I could really use her scent to keep me company so I don't have to force myself to get up. She's still asleep though, so I have no other choice. I stretch, and force myself out of bed.

Haku and Mata are sitting by their dog pads in the hallway, looking at me innocently surrounded by the mess they've made. I guess this is what I deserve. Both me and Soyeon, actually, but even if she wasn't asleep, I doubt she'd bother helping me clean this. We did promise to give the dogs extra attention yesterday, but we didn't. Instead we unpacked and cried and talked to Minnie and felt hollow and slept.

I really hate her. I was starting not to. I wanted to believe she wasn't as bad as people say she is, but I think she lives up to it. Anyway, a bad person wouldn't talk bad about themselves. I just need to listen to what Soyeon has to say.

I clean up the dogs' shit while holding my breath and stop to look at them when I'm done.

"I'm sorry," I say softly to them. They move their ears. "I'm really sorry. I don't know what I'm doing anymore."

Haku and Mata stare at me. But I meant it. I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm dating and living with someone I barely know. I no longer have a best friend. I no longer have a house to my name. Soyeon was right. I fuck up my own life.

I walk back to the room to find her awake and sitting up. Soyeon looks up at me as I sit on the bed aswell. The room somehow smells like dog shit.

"Did you enjoy your little chat with Minnie last night?" She asks softly.

"No. I didn't," I say. "Weren't you asleep?"

"I was, then I wasn't anymore."

I can tell how tired Soyeon is just by her voice. Maybe she isn't ready to talk. I shouldn't force her to. I know all that I need to know, anyway.

"Do you wanna sleep more?" I ask. Soyeon shakes her head and gets up.

"We need to talk," She says, leaving the room. "Come on."

I get up and follow her. She leads me to the bathroom and hands me my toothbrush. I should've guessed. We brush our teeth quickly. Soyeon even uses mouthwash. I don't feel like it.

When we go back to the room, I immediately sit on the bed, my impatience growing. But Soyeon doesn't. To my surprise, she starts doing a bit of makeup.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I ask.

"I should look good while talking." Soyeon says, then her phone rings. Before I can see who's calling her, she grabs it from the nightstand and stares at the screen for a bit.

"Is it Minnie?"

Soyeon swipes and puts a finger on her lips, telling me to shut up. Then she smiles while talking to whoever is on the phone and continues to do her makeup. I stare at her as tears prick at my eyes. Listening to her forced sweet voice and looking at her in the mirror is just making me nervous, if anything. I try to focus on how good her thighs look exposed by her shorts or how kissable her lips look when she's putting some tint on them but I can't. It's impossible. This person wanted to be Minnie.

Soyeon ends the call.

"Hurry up!" I shriek at her. She flinches, making me feel bad. "Sorry."

Soyeon doesn't say anything and puts on one of the jackets I've given her before sitting on the bed, her back against the wall. I scoot over to sit next to her and lean against the wall aswell.

I stare at her, waiting for her to start talking. But Soyeon just stares back at me, her eyes tired and her gaze somehow soft. I would've expected her to be mad at me for turning to a drunk Minnie for answers. Normally, she would've been.

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