chapter four.

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Soyeon is my type of girl.

She has everything I look for in the people I want to surround myself with: maturity, humor, and most of all, she's just very loving. It doesn't take long to notice that one, firstly because of the way she looks into my eyes, and secondly, because of how much she loves Haku and Mata.

I don't know how much time has passed, but the sky is dark now. Soyeon and I have been talking for a long, long time about anything that just came to our minds. And I love the way she talks with her hands and so softly and her voice is adorable and nice to listen to.

Now, I stare at Haku sleeping with his head on her chest and whining a little.

"He's dreaming." Soyeon says softly. I smile as she rubs the spot under his ear to calm him down, to tell him he's okay just like her eyes tell mine when they meet.

Haku stops whining.

"How did you do that?" I ask. Soyeon looks up. "Make him stop whining?"

She shrugs.

As I check the time on my phone, her phone rings. It's 8:10 p.m., and we have been sitting here for exactly four hours and ten minutes. Haku wakes up from Soyeon's phone ringing and jumps off of her.

"Shit. I have to go." She says. My stomach sinks.

I grab the dogs' leashes as they wake up and we both get up from our seats. We paid a while ago and haven't ordered anything else, so we're good to go. But I don't wanna leave without knowing what it feels like to hug her. So, after she grabs her things and stands in front of me, I pull Soyeon into a hug.

She wraps her arms around me as soon as I do. She feels small in my arms, but she's very warm. Her hair smells nice. Washed. Flowery. I hug her a little tighter, hoping she won't point it out.

"Thank you for tonight," I say softly. "Thank you so much."

Soyeon chuckles. "You're welcome."

"Do you always make people feel like this?"

She doesn't answer for a bit. "Like what?"


Soyeon slightly tenses in my arms, then pulls away as a car honks outside the café. I watch her leave as Haku and Mata whine.

She turns her head.

"No, Yuqi. I don't."

She steps into the black car outside, and Haku and Mata drag me towards it before it drives off.

Gosh, she's so beautiful.

I never thought I'd feel so drawn to someone but just in a span of four hours Soyeon has got me wrapped around her finger.

Everything she does and says has this safe yet somehow mysterious tone to it. Because now I feel like I know a lot about her, but I still don't at the same time. The one thing I know for certain though, is that she makes me feel a safety I haven't felt with anyone else. And maybe the safety is part of what makes me feel so lured towards her.

Soyeon makes music. She writes and produces songs for most of the groups in the industry and some soloists. She also makes her own music, but she's scared to release it because, as she said, it's all her feelings put into songs.

I would stream the fuck out of those.

She doesn't have as many friends as I thought she does after looking at her posts. It turns out she's actually pretty reserved, and doesn't really let people see every side of her. Hearing this made me want to get to know her even more. I want to see sides of her. All of them.

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