chapter twelve.

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I cannot believe I just showered with Soyeon.

It was a bit of a humbling experience in a way because she even showers elegantly, like everything else she does. I like to hurry it up and only shower calmly when I myself feel calm. Which has been rare these days.

So, Soyeon washed my hair and washed my back. Her hands and the way her long nails scratched my head felt indescribably nice. It made me forget for a moment what she said to me and the way her ignoring my question so directly made me felt. It made me feel a lot of things actually, but on top of all, scared.


Now I smell like her. My hair smells of her flowery shampoo amd my skin smells like her body lotion.

I'm also wearing Soyeon's clothes. They smell like her perfume. Also like Minnie's perfume.

I sigh as we step out of her closet and watch her put on my jacket again.

"It's too warm for that in here." I say flatly.

"I'm cold." Soyeon says.

"Then don't wear a tank top and shorts."

I'm wearing the same thing.

Soyeon sighs. She walks over to her vanity and starts applying some serum. "Listen, Yuqi. I don't know why this happens but whenever I calm down from feeling a lot of emotion I feel cold."

I walk up to her and apply the same serum she did on my face. "Weird."

Soyeon doesn't say anything. I watch her grab a lip mask and smile as I snatch it from her hands.

"Not this again." She says, taking a seat in front of the mirror. I get on my knees to reach her and scoop some of the mask onto my nail and drag it across her lips. Soyeon looks at me, in a way that I'd only describe as pleading. She wants to kiss me again.

Her lips feel so nice to touch. So soft. I want to kiss her too.

Soyeon gently grabs my wrist and moves it away. She presses her lips together. She releases them. Gosh, they're so pretty.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts once she grabs the container from my hand and all of a sudden I feel her finger dragging across my lips. Soyeon smiles at me, then licks the tip of her finger. My eyes widen.

"What? It tastes nice." She says. I lick mine aswell. It tastes like a smoother buttery lip balm and berries and probably her lips aswell. But those aren't evident.

"I don't like the texture," I mutter, then lick my finger again. "Ew."

Soyeon gets up and ruffles my hair as she walks to the bed, her hips swaying from side to side. I smile. Then it quickly fades.

I try to refrain myself from saying something I shouldn't and get up, joining her on the bed. Soyeon scoots over and makes space for me. I move closer to her though and wrap my arm around her waist, resting my head on her chest. She wraps her arm around my neck.

I suddenly think about what Soyeon said to me the first time I came over here. She's more sensitive than she seems. She gets hurt easily. Her silence makes me think she's still upset, but I don't wanna open a discussion we seemingly closed.

I never promised I wouldn't mention her and Minnie's similarities again though.

Soyeon gently hits my hand. I was clutching her jacket.

Oh. My jacket.

"Sorry." I say.

"It's fine." Soyeon says. Then she yawns, leaning on top of my head with her cheek. I smile as I look at our reflection in her mirror.

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