The Beginning is the End.

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In his whole life he'd never imagined feeling so safe in the arms of his rival but here he lay wrapped in
Siren's embrace and he loved every second of it. The little kisses peppered across his skin inbetween thousands of compliments just thrown around between the two, soft lips pressed against the skin on his arms and neck.
"Wilbur" he breathed out between loving kisses entangling his fingers into the brunette's curled locks, his rival hummed in response but didn't stop placing delicate kisses along the smaller's jaw. Quakity shivered under his touch and silently begged for more, he moved closer pushing his chest against Wilbur's bare one longing for touch he'd been deprived of.
The 4 months that had led to this moment were nothing compared to what he knew was coming, what he had done and what Wilbur had done would cuase problems. Those problems would cuase problems and he knew sooner or later they would be pulled from their slice of peace to fix the problems made in their attepmt at making a life for themselves. The time for over thinking wasn't now however, he would enjoy his time trapped in the loving embrace of his worst enemy.

Hey I'm PrinceSpirit (He/Him) and this is my first story.
This is a lot shorter than what the rest of the chapters will look like and i hope you enjoy reading my shitty fanfic♡

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