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Wilbur nuzzled into his neck humming, he knew the villian was trying to calm him and he fought every urge to allow himself that luxury.
The avian resisted every attempt the brunette made to lure him to sleep, within a second he was lowered onto the bed he'd crawled under. Quackity didn't resist as the villian wrapped him in layers of blankets or when Wilbur placed a soft kiss on his cheek, the hero watched as Wilbur sat beside him and fixed the pillows under his head.
Sleep called to him akin to the villians name, a luring song trying to lower his defences. He had to stay strong.

They would come for him. They had to.

*Hero Code, rule 27*

Should a fellow hero get captured, the committee decrees that their closest friends among the heroes must drop everything and save that captured hero. After 2 months the hero will be pronounced dead.

They would come for him. His friends, Karl and Sapnap, they would come for him. They'd know it was Siren and they'd come save him.

His eyes were heavy and his head could bearly handle how heavy the situation he was in was. It was hurting him more every hour just being away from his partners.

Karl and Sapnap would find him..he just had to keep up his strength....he should rest...

"My poor pretty must be so tired...don't worry, I'll make sure nothing happens to you"

Quackity wasn't quite sure how he was supposed to react when he woke up wrapped snugly in blankets and covered in an amount of pillows no sane person would have, well Wilbur isn't sane by any means but even this seemed like a crazy thing to do. Of course he'd nested before but that had been of his own choosing, nesting with other people was a new experience. He didn't know if he enjoyed it.

The uncomfortable feeling of Wilbur's scent suffocating him in contrast to the new and prime damming bubbly feeling that came with the villians breath fanning across his neck in soft snores.
He tried to struggle but realised the villian's arms were wrapped tightly around him and any amount of movement could wake him. He layed there in amongst blankets and pillows, he had nothing to do but think, so that's what he did.

This...isn't awful...I've definitely been in worse situations.

Why is he doing this?

It feels....nice...

Why does it feel nice to be nesting with him! He's a dangerous psychopath and I'm just laying here in his arms!!

I'm in Siren's arms...Siren is...holding me...?

He's really made himself comfortable...he looks peaceful.

Karl and Sapnap never nested with me...


Oh prime oh fuck oh prime oh fuck

I have fiancès!! I have partners and I'm sitting here admitting to myself that HE is treating me well!!!

I mean all things considered he is taking care of me...

They....they never took care of me...

Maybe i....could ask Siren- no....i can't

I want to ask him....

I'll do it tomorrow. I have to know.

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