Could it be love?

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(I don't normally put the warnings so far away from the trigger but this chapter is riddled with manipulation and if that makes you uncomfortable please don't read this chapter)

His mind was racing and his heart was racing a million miles an hour. Wilbur spiralled into a blind place of pure bliss, how did Quackity know? Simple.
He was a hero, heroes had to do whatever it took to save people. Even if it meant playing helpless, pretending to swoon at romantic gestures. His brain stumbled over that last part. He was, he had been inlove with Karl and Sapnap. It wasn't just to look good on screen or on paper, they'd promised him that much.

"S-so would want to go on a date with me..? Is it a different type of like or..?"

He forced a sweet smile, nodding whilst cuddling closer to the older man. He allowed Wilbur to put a hand on his back just under his wings, he kept his inner bird in a box with a firm lock refusing to lift the lid when Wilbur pulled him closer.

The commission had taught him well, villians often fell for heroes and so it was one of the first lessons in hero training. Never fall in love with your enemy. Ever.

"A date sounds good"

Wilbur's face blushed brighter than the tnt he was so fond of, he stuttered out plans while fiddling with his sleeve. Quackity fought a teasing smile, oh what he'd have done to make the once terrifying Siren turn to a puddle on screen. Flirting had never been his strongest skill but he figured Wilbur wouldn't be used to getting hit on, it was his only hope at this point.

"We could go to Chinese, have dinner in the park, stay at a fancy hotel, go to Mexican- you'd like that best right? Going to Mexican, i can call right now and makes plans for whatever day you like!"

It's not that he didn't feel guilty but that he didn't feel anything. Siren had always tormented him with teasing and now he could get the villian back for it but...stupidly in some part of his brain Quackity had seperated Wilbur from his alter-ego.

Wilbur was kind, attentive, sweet as sugar yet still with that firery flare.

Siren was obsessive, scrutanative, teasing and passionate in all he did.

Quackity definitely wasn't attracted to either version of the man.

"We'll go out for Mexican and then come back for a movie, how does that sound my angel?"

It sounded amazing. His perfect outing.

"That sounds almost as perfect as you"

The words fell from his lips before he could stop them and his inner bird chirped in approval, mentally scolding himself Quackity stopped the blush running to his face with calming breaths. He wasn't leading Wilbur on, he was tricking Siren into letting him go. That's all, no feelings involved, no instincts purring at the gentlte tug into Wilbur's suffocating embrace, nothing.

He was a hero, he was above such things.

Expect he didn't know if he was a hero anymore, the commission deemed him dead. Even if he escaped there was no way they'd admit to making a mistake. Yes his friends, who didn't care he was dead, and his family, who probably thought he already was, would know he was safe but that was all. He couldn't go back to his life, the life he'd built from the ground up. He'd clawed and fought and even killed to get where he was.

Shuddering mentally he recalled it.

His first kill. His only kill.

Not wanting to show any emotion infront of his rival Quackity took the opportunity to lay facing away from the brunette. His bird trilled and snapped "happily" when Wilbur layed beside him, slowly shuffling closer and closer, hesitantly resting his arm on the avians back. He was very gentle with Quackity, he always was.

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