In His Darkest Hours

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They moved him. He had no idea when but they had moved him to a dark room, no longer confined to the basement Quakity appeared to be in a living room. Photo's of three little boys stared at him from different places in the room, a blonde and two brunettes, he couldn't help but feel like he recogized one. The darkness of the room seemed to swallow him, his mind was under so much strain and Quakity could barely form a thought.

I'm never going to see my fiancès again..

The thought rang over and over in his head drowning out the sound of quiet voices in the room next door until a peircing scream filled his ears.

"DAAAAAAAD!!!! WILL IS HERE!!" a child's voice echoed through the house.
He looked up from the dusted photograph to look towards the small beam of light coming from under the door. Footsteps approached the room and it was filled with rays of blinding light.
A perky blonde child bounced in completly ignoring Quakity and sat on a high backed chair.
His piercing eyes shot like an arrow through Quakity's head and he became overwhelmed with panic.


That's tntinnit..I'm in the fucking crow house!!!

While his thoughts raced Quakity fought with a new drive to escape struggling to rid himself of the painful restriants now digging into his already red wrists. All he could think about was them and what they would say to comfort him.

They....they wouldn't say anything...
He knew that deep down...but it hurt...he didn't know why it didn't hurt before.
It did, you were to desperate to notice.
That much was true.
He looked to them for comfort and rarely found anything....

In his darkest hours, they weren't there.

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