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Wake up, eat, lay in bed for hours, drink, eat, sleep.

Wake up, drink, eat, walk around Wilbur's base with him, eat, sleep.

Get woken up from a nightmare, pass out for the rest of the day, eat, drink, sleep again.

Wake up, drink, lay in bed, eat, drink, sleep.

Wake up, watch Tv, eat, lay in newly constructed nest, drink, sleep.

Why did they leave me what did i do why do they hate me what am i supposed to do when will this end what did i do

Wake up, sleep, wake up, eat, sleep, wake up, drink, eat, sleep.

Wake up, eat, watch tv, drink, eat, sleep.

It was an endless cycle Quackity had been trapped in. So depressed from the news of the past weeks he hadn't even noticed 2 months had passed since his abduction. He had however noticed the amount of affection he'd been getting from his captor, Wilbur was so affectionate you'd think the two had been lovers for whole 13 years.

Lovers? Is that what he'd stooped to calling them. Quackity felt pathetic, to be living off the attention of your rival was some desperate shit. Could he get any worse than he already was?

"Darling!! I'm home!! I brought you some food, i hope you like enchiladas!"

Yes, yes he could.

Immeditly when the door opened Quackity rushed to the villians side, all hate for him thrown aside Quackity hadn't been allowed good food because of Karl- Relapse. Relapse hated spice and Quackity liked it, not a whole lot but enough to enjoy enchiladas. Apparently he enjoyed enchiladas so much he was willing to genuinely cling to his rival. Wilbur obviously had no complaints and Quackity found he was able to communicate his feelings to the villian without words just fine.

"Someone is excited, I'll bring mexican home more often my dear. As long as you keep reacting like this~"

Quackity rolled his eyes at the taller and took the food promptly returning to the recently upgraded nest. Wilbur whined loudly and followed with his own food, he always insisted they eat together which was odd to Quackity. Wilbur had been getting more and more comfortable with the avian, from showing him old scars to letting him ask any question he wanted to. Of course the brunette wouldn't answer them all but he never dismissed a question or ignored anything Quackity had to say. It was....nice...

Wilbur began to talk about his day while the two ate, he talked more than he ate but Quackity could mostly block out his talking until...

"Oh yeah then this vigilante wanna be asked me out, she tried kissing me too"

The metal spoon in his hand bent from the force of the avains grip. His wings got ruffled and shook feathers out, unsure about how to feel Quackity excused himself to the bathroom quickly.

What the fuck was that!? Why does that bother me so much? It shouldn't bother me at all! FUCK!!

He tried to smooth out his ruffled wings, fix the way they fluffed at odd angles and keep them in line so he could fly. Not that it mattered, Wilbur would probably never let him fly again. Still it felt nice to have some small part of his old life implemented into what he had to live through now.

After managing his wings Quackity walked back out into the bedroom, Wilbur was lighting candles and humming to himself unaware of the avians return. The longer he spent by Wilbur's side the more confusing the brunette seemed to be, he wasn't avain otherwise Quackity would have been able to trigger him with the little chirps that uncontrollably sounded anytime he was hurt. He didn't think Wilbur was a hybrid, not one he'd encountered anyway, the psychic powers and affinity for fire the older displayed was far beyond anything he'd seen. Wilbur did scare him on some occasions, knowing when he'd been having trouble sleeping and always knowing where he was. It was unsettling to say the least.

"Oh birdie! You're back, come to the nest i have another suprise for you"

Quackity didn't know what he'd gotten himself stuck in but he was determined to get out of it, no matter what it took.

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