The ends of conviction.

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It took him an hour to get Wilbur calm enough to speak and when he did it was rambling nonsense, something about Flo? Maybe Flowers? But he switched to mumbling one name over and over after he looked back at the draw he placed the scarf in.

Over and over, he mumbled out quietly.

"Fundy, Fundy, Fundy, Fundy, Fundy"

Occasionally it changed. It became more rapid and his words often fused together.

"Messed up...imes up...miss her...hernot....not right...hi....him...Fundy..."

He panted and his eyes flicked to places for no reason.

It was almost...hard for Quackity to watch him but that would be ridiculous. It would mean he cared about Wilbur, that was stupid he didn't care about Wilbur or his stupid goofy smile that made him look so pretty and-

No, stop thinking like that.

Quackity huffed mentally at the bird twittering in his brain before settling into Wilbur's embrace, gently pulling him down so that the two could lay together.

He admited to himself that in that moment, he didn't hate Wilbur and he knew he never could. The feeling that he thought was hate...he didn't know what it was, it came forward every time Wilbur made jokes about him or any time the two were so they were now.

Quackity could feel the bird singing proudly and shaking it's wings, it was so very happy to be laying with Wilbur maybe...just maybe...Quackity thought he could try to be as well.

Quackity looked up at Wilbur's face, he'd never felt the way he does now for anyone or anything else. It was confusing, he was angry and disappointed about something yet so overwhelmed with childish joy at the same time.

Wilbur kept mumbling out words but quieter now, his hands were on Quackity's back tracing circles below his wings. Resting his head on the brunette's chest Quackity took a deep breath and slowly exhaled out, he contuined to do so until he felt the taller start to copy. Slowly, very slowly, Wilbur's mumbling stopped.

The brunette wrapped his arms around him rather than just resting them on his back, Quackity would deny that he blushed the second Wilbur pulled him in closer by the hips but he prays to every god available that the taller didn't see the not blush on his face.

"Thank you Quackity..."

He hummed and shuffled up to rest his head on the older's collarbones, the bird was happy.

So was he.

"Don't worry about it giant, you helped me and i helped you.

He knew Wilbur would go to the ends of the earth for him, it was the least he could do to make him comfortable.

They stayed comfortable for a long time, cuddled up against one another. Quackity looked up at Wilbur almost fondly. Almost, there would always be a bit of resentment in that stare he knew that no matter what happened it would stay. His jealousy for Wilbur had grown and changed over the years but it was there, it always would be.



"How do you kill?"

(Haha cliffhanger, anyway i need you guys to vote on something. Do you want me to give you ending 1 or ending 2)

(You don't need to know which is the good ending :])

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