The Fox's Den.

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Quackity woke, ripped from the comforting embrace of sleep by a burning rage. He remained still but opened his milk coloured eye to look around the, admittedly plain, room with a trained gaze.

Though his regular sight had been ripped from him by The Blade, the technicians at work found a way to make his sight better.

He searched around the room for anything that might help him escape when he heard humming and approching footsteps. As he heard a key in the door he strained in his bonds, focusing on keeping his breathing steady he nearly missed the disinct sound of his rival murmuring to himself.

"Deep breaths Wilbur, just remember to breathe and try not to scare or kill him the first day."


Where had he heard that before, Quackity couldn't let the name slip from his thoughts even as the door opened and his unmasked rival Siren- Wilbur.

It's...a weird name...not at all pretty.

Wilbur walked steadily closer to him holding a tray full of food. Quackity's favourite foods.

"Hello darling! Did you sleep well? Are you feeling okay? How's your head?"

"I hope you're feeling okay"


He didn't want to reply...but the look on Wilbur's face. The saddening of his crimson eyes, the way they faded from happiness to complete and under emptyness.

Was he the reason for that? Quackity didn't understand.

He didn't understand why he was here, why did they take him of everyone Wilbur- Siren had fought, why Wilbur seemed to care so much about his mood and health.

"Oh probably are tired, I'll feed you and then leave so you can rest. I'd hate to overwhelm you."

His voice seemed genuinly caring. He seemed to care. Quackity couldn't wrap his head around it, everything was confusing about Wilbur.

It had always been like that but it's just been....intense.

Quackity didn't know what to do. If he could find his phone he might be able to send a message to Blaze and Timelapse. Would they come looking for him...? Would they even see the message....?

He was pulled from his thoughts by Wilbur sitting beside him. The brunette's hands held up another spoonful of soup, did Wilbur not trust him with any other kind of food? Couldn't blame him.

"Okay open up little bird."

He knew his face scrunched up at the comment because Wilbur chuckled and offered the spoon closer.

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