The answer

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(A/N I will just say now, this book is something I'm actually quite proud of and i can't wait to write the ending. I wanted to thank you all, every reader who's gone through the story for staying with me. You guys get the good ending, just not yet.)

The question shocked him, really really shocked him, his beloved angel was asking such a dark thing why? Had someone hurt his shrike when he wasn't paying attention!?

"I just...was curious y''ve killed a lot of people and it doesn't seem to affect you that much."

An odd question but he was too tired to put much thought into it.

"Well I've never killed an innocent person, despite what tv broadcats all of my victims are in some way imoral."

He paused to consider his next words, despite his fatigue he wanted to help his darling if he could.

"There are some people that are good but still deserve to die, just as there are bad people who do not."

Tugging the ravenette closer he rolled them both to the side, facing eachother.

"I am neither fully evil nor good and you, as amazing as you are, aren't fully good either. It isn't something you can do to change darling, there is no fully good person in our world."

He looked into Quackity's almost glowing eyes, it didn't matter to Wilbur that they weren't the same colour he thought they were stunning. He thought Quackity was stunning too. Wilbur could stare into those gorgeous pools of bright light forever, he'd never get bored of Quackity's face. His smile, his scar, his eyes, his soft lips...

Quackity nodded slowly and he then moved closer into the villians arms, nuzzling into his chest with a content sigh. Wilbur smiled and cradled the smaller, feeling at peace after his breakdown, he burried his face in Quackity's hair and rubbed his back just under the wings. He timed his breathing to match the avaians and let his eyes drift closed then open, he let himself relax beside his angel. Slowly he began to drift off, as Wilbur shut his crimson eyes he heard a soft murmuring.

"Would you hate me if i killed someone?"

"No darling, i could never hate you."

"If i killed you?"

"I'd smile in hell knowing that I've cradled heaven in my arms, to be killed by an angel is a greater honour than i deserve."

He could feel Quackity's heart pick up a little speed and he opened his eyes to look at the smaller in his arms. The avain was tracing things on his palm avoiding his eyes.

"Were you thinking about it?"

Quackity looked up at him irritably.

"Course not dumbass, i just...was curious"

He hummed and smiled, running a hand through black hair.

"But...if i did..kill...someone..?"

"It wouldn't change how i feel about you birdie"

There was a distinct pause.

"How do you feel about me?"

"I love you Quackity"

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