Near death of a Dragonborn.

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He'd been planning the suprise for a while.

The weeks leading up to this moment had been well planned, thought out, turned upside down and completely thrown away to come together in a better way than he thought.

Wilbur walked through the halls holding his shrike's hand, he was so very excited and nervous and sightly nervous and overwhelmed with love for the shorter.

They were both dressed up, Wilbur in his signature Siren costume and Quackity in basic dress pants and a white button up. It was a long walk to the front door of his base and they did it in silence but it was a comfortable silence. For them at that mattered was that they were near eachother, Quackity had clung to him all night and Wilbur never thought he could be so happy.

Walking through town across rooftops, at the breaking of dawn with only eachother around. It was romantic, the birds twittering around them.

"I love you Quackity, you know that but i haven't told you why."

The avian nodded sitting down when Wilbur gestured to a seat. They were opposite the building now, above the ally that changed the course of Wilbur's life forever.

"You won't remember but we met here, very early on into your hero career."

Quackity looked up at him attentively, hanging onto each movement and word he said.

"We were younger then, i got reckless and stupid. Showing off for people and drew too much attention."

He walked to the edge of the roof looking at the sky.

A vivid memory in his mind, trapped under rubble almost burned to death. He thought he'd been abandoned.

"I was fucking around with explosives, the normal young adult thing to do when you have psychic powers, when hero's got called over."

He'd been breathing heavily and must have drawn attention to himself because two tall heroes not much older than himself came over.

"They collapsed the building on us, everyone got out but me. The heroes were so focused on stopping villians that they didn't save anyone that day."

They left him. Two men who he could have been friends with in university left him to die, alone and scared he didn't know what to do but breathe and pray....for mercy or for death...

"But you did, you were the only one to save a life. My life."

He realised that day what a hero truely was, a short ravenette boy with dust on his wings and face pulling him from the rubble. An avian so much smaller than his companions helping a practically dead man to hospital.

"You, surrounded by fire and the light of the gods, my angel saved my life. In this city i realised something, there are two types of hero's."

Laying in a stretcher hand held by his saviour, Wilbur murmured the barest promise to the heavens.

If i live...i will deticate my life to hero's...protecting the good and exposing the bad...

An angel's vengance...defeater of the cruel master of fate...

Someone...something they can never tune out or ignore.

Turning back to his darling, looking deep into Quackity's eyes he spoke softly and clearly.

"Hero's who fight bad people"

An explosion sounded in the distance behind him, the sounds of wailing siren's filled the morning air.

"And hero's who save good people."

Immediately Quackity rushed to his feet, Wilbur was sure that the avain was about to attack him....


But not a single blow landed.

Instead he felt the cushioned impact of his angel barreling into his chest, hugging him rather tightly.

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